Chapter Two

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I couldn't help myself, so I did what I thought was necessary. I laughed. It was a good laugh too.

"What's wrong with you?" Niall asked with a funny expression on his face. That was no help, I just laughed harder.

"I think she's laughing at us lads" Louis finally said as my laughing slowed down.

"Good job Louis! You've cracked the case!" I howled as I just started laughing even more. Honestly these boys acted no older than nine sometimes.

"Think she need's a mental hospital?" Harry said staring intently at me, his eye's traveled down my body and stopped at my chest. I snapped my fingers and he looked back up at my face, blushing slightly.

I obviously wasn't the only one to catch this since Zayn just had to speak up.

"Harry.. can we talk?" He said yanking Harry into the nearby kitchen before he even had the chance to respond.

"Sorry for Harry's behavior he can be a womanizer" Liam said, laying a hand on my shoulder.

"That's not true he is just...more lucky with girl's than the lot of us" Louis said shoving Liam in a friendly manor.

"Well lucky or not he better watch it, Zayn will kill him if he tries anything with Amber" an Irish voice said from the couch.

"I've known him for less than a day and he's already assumed the ' I'm a big scary brother' figure and it's sooo annoying!" I pretty much whined plopping down next to Niall on the large sofa.

"Don't worry we'll treat you like a friend and not someone who need's to be watched every second like Zayny over here" Louis said with a laugh, pulling Zayn in for a noogie as he reappeared.

I couldn't help it so I laughed again.

Harry rolled his eye's and  sat on my other side. "So tell m- us about you" he said quickly correcting himself.

Maybe he is a ' womanizer ' after all, I don't know. I thought to myself.

"I'm Zayn's twin. My name is Amber. And I like chicken" That was all I said, and it seemed to work, for a moment anyway.

"You don't happen to like pizza do you?" Louis piped up.

"Like? Ew no way" I snorted. Rolling my eyes and hoping my straight face would stay.

Louis looked a little hurt. "How can you not like pizza? It's only the best food to walk this planet" 

"No, nando's is the best" Niall piped up.

"But, Louis, pizza can't walk" Liam said senseibly.

"You guys really can't take a joke can you?" I said with a sly smirk spreading across my face.

"I think she lied to us about not liking pizza" Harry teased as he, Louis and Liam advanced fom the front and Niall from the side.

"Get her boys!" Harry shouted in a warrior call type way.

They all pounced at once tickling me from all angles until I slipped and fell off of the couch and a certain feathered haired boy followed. 

"Uh, hi" Louis awkwardly said avoding my gaze. I smiled and looked into his eyes which were a beautiful shade of blue. 

This up close to him I really noticed how attractive he was. Sure he looked attractive from farther away but up close his feathures really stood out. His eyes forinstance, did not seem as blue before. His hair looked so soft that I just wanted to lose my fingers in it, and right then and there I had the urge to push my fingers through his light brown hair. Wait a second. Why was I thinking this? Oh yeah.

I think I like Louis

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