Chapter Seventeen

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~*~* Amber's POV *~*~

"Yes it's me stupid!" Lauren spat at me rolling her eyes.

"You weren't supposed to get out until...oh" I said stopping mid sentence, Louis and I had spent all of yesterday sleeping and not worrying about Lauren.

"Yeah 'Oh' Idiot" Lauren scoffed.

A smirk spread across her face, I'm going to die, I REPEAT

I. Am.Going.To.Die.


I felt like my body was falling apart which was strange since I wasn't shot.

Wait what?

"Get the fuck away from her Lauren!" Louis screamed, half drunk, but still furious.

"Louis!" I screamed and tried to run to him but was tripped by Lauren and pulled back up by her yanking my hair.

"Get your paws off her" Louis grumbled.

Lauren pulled me up and stuck a gun to my head. "Go ahead take a step Tomlinson, but every step you take is every bit i'm going to pull this trigger"

I pleaded with my eyes, "Please Louis, just don't do anything"

Louis looked ready to punch a brick wall, and if he did do that I think he'd be angry enough to break it. 

"Now little Amber, you come with me. And Louis...Louis, Louis, Louis...You will stay there and watch her be taken away and fight yourself since you aren't able to do anything to help." Lauren said with an evil grin.

"I love you Amber don't forget that!" Louis' drunken self screamed as Lauren led me away, gun still attached to my temple.

~*~* Louis POV *~*~

After Amber was out of sight I raced back inside and quickly found my curly haired friend.

"Hey mate where have you been, you're missing the best part!" Harry screamed over the blaring music.

"It's Amber! Lauren got out of jail she just led her away with a gun! A real one this time" I screamed back and Harry stopped all movement entirely.

"I'll get Spencer, you find Niall and Rachel"

I nodded and pushed through the swarm of sticky, intoxicated bodies until I found my little irish lad and his most likely next girlfriend Rachel. I have a suspicion their dating but just haven't told us yet.

"Come on Niall we need to help Amber, Lauren got out of jail and she just led Amber away with a gun!" I shouted to the two currently at the bar.

At the sound of that Niall's glass of most likely vodka fell out of his hand and shattered on the floor. I could understand why, Amber was closest to him next out of the five of us, they were like long lost best friends.

"Come on Rachel let's go!" Niall said pulling her away from the drink she was nursing and grabbed me, dragging us both until we found Harry once more. This time with Spencer.

"Well....what are we waiting for!?" Spencer screamed.

"Harry, Spencer come with me" I said leading them to my car and we all quickly hopped in. I put the key into the ignition and punched the gas.

"Are we going to go to the police?" Harry asked.

"No, they barely held Lauren in before do you really think they'll help now?" Spencer said in a duh tone, hitting the back of Harry's head.

"I told you to stop fucking doing that, love" Harry seethed through his teeth.

"Free country" Spencer said sticking her tongue out.

"You're funny that's AMERICA. Not Great Britain" Harry bellowed, laughing at the end.

"Don't fucking talk to me creep!" Spencer screamed back, and honestly at that point I stopped listening.

Amber is more important than listening to these two fight continuously. I kept driving, an idea as to where Lauren took Amber forming in my mind.

"How could you say that! Girls worldwide would love to be in your position right now!" Harry shouted as I tuned back into their argument.

"Shut the fuck up!" I screamed and both of them stared at me wide-eyed.

"Excuse me? You don't have the-" Spencer started.

"It's about Amber" I said interrupting her.

"Call Niall, I think I might know where Amber is" I said punching the gas and speeding down the road.

A/N :

Guise I'm sorry this is really short too...I just need to space it out enough in the final three chapters and if I make it super duper long like three-four pages then the idea I have going on will end more quickly than wanted/needed.

Also I'm sorry for taking so long to update, I've been really busy since softball has started again, state tests and slight writers block.

But other than that please vote and comment!

I especially want you to comment, I love hearing your thoughts and getting some possible ideas IDEK but um PEACEKIES!!

Hug an elephant

Eat a Turtle

Snog an Ostrich

^^ Words of wisdom ;)

- Jennie xxx

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