Chapter Seven

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No matter how mad I was I had to leave and then end up just waiting out by Harry's car. In the middle of the night and at a place I've been for less than 24 hour's, I'm pretty sure attempting to walk would be very bad. I heard footsteps and turned around to see a disheveled Harry and he had a slightly pink mark on his cheek where I had hit him.

"You're still here?" He asked hollowly.

"Yes, I need a ride" I said stepping closer and brushing his curls out of the way, touching his cheek lightly. He winced a bit. "I'm so sorry, you were just trying to make me feel comfortable" My words were a quiet whisper.

His hand suddenly covered mine, pressing my palm to his cheek. "I forgive you" he said pulling me to him for a hug.

I felt like I was cheating on Louis but I had hurt him and the only person I was eager to hurt was Zayn. So I felt obliged to hug him, like through hug I could take back what I did. "Thank you" I mumbled into his shirt, wow I was a lot shorter than him. He kissed the top of my head.

"Let's get back home"


We walked back in quietly, greeted by four pair's of eye's.

"Hey mate" Zayn said with malice, venom in his words.

"Hi" Harry said uneasily waving his hand slightly.

"Why are you all here at" I squinted my eye's looking at the clock on the wall "Four thirty in the morning?"

"Why were you out?" Zayn replied just as fast as the words left my mouth.

"We were catching a movie since I couldn't sleep, you know being in a whole different time zone and all" I replied slightly nudging Harry so he would play along.

"And I being the good friend I am I took her out to help her relax and be able to fall asleep. So I'll be bringing her to bed now..." Harry said grabbing my waist and elbow, guiding me like I was about to fall.

"Yes you see Zayn? You can leave now" Louis said standing up and making a half asleep Liam, angry Zayn, and Niall (Who was stuffing his face) leave.

Harry got to the stair's and picked me up bridal style, carrying me up them. I wanted to shriek at him but somehow managed to keep up the act. When we reached Lou's room I did slightly lose it. "Just because I'm tired doesn't mean I can't climb the stair's!"

"Well the way you were acting things out, doing that seemed right" Harry said a cheeky grin spreading across his face.

"Goodnight Harry" I say closing the door. But of course he catches it with his foot.

"Don't I get a goodnight kiss? After all I did lie to one of my best friends for you"

"Alright." I grunted standing on tip toe to peck him on the lip's, not lasting long enough to mean anything real to me at all. When I dropped to my normal height again, I see an angry, hurt, and confused Louis standing in front of me.


Thing's went by in a blur when that awful moment happened. Louis turned and ran down the stair's, me yelling after him. That ended with him shouting some very colorful word's and storming out of the house(flat, apartment whatever...) and driving away. I didn't want to look like I was following him so I went out the back door, surprised when I saw a tire swing hanging from a tree.

I ran to it and sat on it, swinging gently as the tear's streamed down my face(see what I did there?) I was startled when someone hugged me from behind.

"Calm down, thing's will be okay" a gruff voice soothed.

I looked up and nearly fell off the swing, Niall was there comforting me. "How did you get here?" I asked wiping my eye's.

"Harry saw you and called us, they thought since we never fought and seemed to be getting on as great friend's I should comfort you" Niall said smiling. "Now let's get you down" He said, his sturdy hand's grabbing my waist and pulling me down and leaning me against the tree. "Talk to me"

I looked up and saw Harry and Liam looking at us, good Zayn wasn't there. "Make them go first" I said with a sniffle.

"Lads leave she wants privacy!" Niall's Irish accent shouted and the two boy's left. "Now you can tell me"

"I- I like Louis and well we decided to start dating but you know, in secret so Zayn wouldn't kill him" I began moving closer to Niall, seeking comfort.

"Continue" He murmured into my hair as he sat me between his leg's and played with my hair, which oddly enough calmed me down.

"Well after Harry pretty much forced me out of the house to see that movie and playing along with me when we got back then he asked if I could kiss him as like payment. Then I pecked him on the lips real quick and Louis saw, taking it so hard he ran away and made me feel horrible. Now we're here"

"Calm down" Niall said pulling me into him for a hug, so I turned around to give him a proper hug that we both needed.

"You won't tell anyone will you?" I asked pulling away.

"Not unless you want me too, I promise" Niall said poking his pinky at me.

"I didn't know you still did pinky promises" I giggled, but hooked my pinky with his anyway.

Soon a large bang and shout were heard from inside the house, Niall and I both stood up in a heartbeat.

An angry and sad looking Liam appeared.

"It's Louis, he's been in a crash"

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