Chapter Six

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"Amber!" Louis called running up behind Harry panting.

"Can I stay here for the night?" I asked pouting my lips.

"Yes" Harry and Louis said in unison.

"Great where can I stay?" I asked.

"My beds always open" Harry said with a cocky grin spreading across his face.

Completely ignoring him I turned to Louis "Got a spare room?"

"No but you can take my room, I'll take the couch" Louis said his cheeks tinted pink.

"Such the gentleman." I cooed. "Now where's your room?"

"Is mine not good enough?" Harry pouted as Louis led me past him towards his room.

"Nope!" I called over my shoulder as I giggled, following my Lou.

"Sorry it's a wreck" Louis said blushing at the clothes and such covering the floor.

"It's perfectly fine, I'm probably just going to pass out anyway"" I said gently touching his shoulder.

He smiled, "We'll I'm off to check on Harry. Maybe when he's asleep I'll come visit" he said with a wink before he left me.

"Night" I called softly before collapsing on the bed that smelled of him and fell into a much needed and peaceful sleep.

A few hours later my shoulder was being shaken gently. I open my eyes hoping to see Louis but groan when I see Harry.

"Hey Amber wanna sneak out?" He asked waggling his eyebrows.

"No, not really go away curly" I moan burying my head in my pillow.

"Please! I'm so lonely!" Harry pouted tugging my wrist gently.

"Depends on what you want to do" I grumbled facing him in the dark room. His features were silhouetted and his curls were stuck out.

"Movies!" He said excitedly pulling me up this time and bringing me to his room and then to his closet. He threw a pair of sweats and a tee-shirt at me. "Change into this" he said.

"Leave" I said folding my arms.

"I could help you" Harry said leaving as I threw a pillow at him.

I quickly changed and opened the door.

"Ready? Good we're going to see something scary" Harry said grabbing my hand and sneaking me past the living room where Louis was asleep, and led me to his range rover and started the drive to the movies.

I quickly texted Louis : 'Harry is forcing me to go to the movies with him :(

He answered quickly : He better his hands off you, good luck xxxx

I replied : Will do xxx and turned my phone off before Harry saw who I was texting.

A few minutes later we were at the theaters and were seated with popcorn and a large soda.

"Feel free to hug me if your scared" Harry said with a grin.

I threw a few pieces of popcorn at him. We were the only people in the theater since apparently no one else sees a movie at two in the morning. Besides he was a star and could kick people out or go to the movies whenever.

The movie started and twenty minutes in I ha to say I was shaking. Harry wrapped his arm around me and for once I didn't shove him away.

After a while he pushed the arm rest thing up and pulled me into him making me lay my head on his shoulder. I let him I was so scared a teddy beat would probably freak me out.

After the movie ended I didn't move, too scared to. Then I came to my senses and yelled "You did that on purpose!"

"Well did you like it?" Harry asked poking my cheek.

"No I didn't actually" I said getting up and pulling away, too slowly sadly. Harry grabbed me and pulled me back kissing me. So I slapped him.

"Pig! Wait till Zayn heard this!" I threatened

"Please come back i'm sorry!" Harry screamed.

But I was already gone.

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