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   It's been two days since I've been kidnapped, and Toga has been treating me like a queen- kinda. She is always so nice to me, though she still takes my blood. But I think I gained her respect. The best thing about her is, even though she's a villain, she's actually very nice! Not something to expect from a serial killer!

   "Bestie! Wanna go get some-" Toga exclaimed, "She isn't going anywhere until she proves we can trust her." Shigaraki says, cutting Toga off. "B-but!" Toga replies to him, trying to give him puppy eyes. I just stare at her, what does she think that'll do? "You're making yourself look like a complete idiot." Dabi says to Toga.  "I wanna go get some outfits with Y/N!!" Toga whines. Shigaraki just stares at her, meanwhile I also stare at him. "Fine. Just don't get arrested. Also, disguise Y/N. If the heroes see her, they'll attempt a rescue." Shigaraki says, in an exhausted seeming voice. "Yay, Tomura!! Thank you so much!!" Toga exclaims, happier than ever.

  "Okay bestie, we need to get you in disguise." Toga says, dragging me by the hand. "Toga, What exactly am I going to wear?" I ask her, in a somewhat nervous tone. "One of my outfits, silly!" She replies back to you. "We have a huuuge selection right here!" I stare at the "huge selection" of clothes, which is only 2. "I think I may go with this one." (Just make it an outfit Toga would have) "Good choice, now let's go!!" Toga exclaims once again, grabbing your hand and running with me. I was never the fastest runner, and she's running extremely fast. So fast, it's kinda hard to keep up with.  I almost fell maybe 5 times while we were running!

   We finally arrived at the mall, and Toga had a fangirl type of squeal. "ÆEEEEEEEEE!!" is the best example. She then runs inside with me, "Where do you wanna go, bestie?" She asked me, and I replied with a glare. I didn't know what stores were here, so I just said "Target..?" "Okay! They have good clothes and low security systems there anyways!!" She says, excited. What about the security systems?! Are we robbing the place?? Me, a hero in training, rob a place?! I wanna try to get out of this situation, but they could probably just track me down again. Oh.., if Aizawa found out. He would be so mad!

  "Earth to bestie!!" Toga yelled, in an annoyed sounding tone. "O-Oh, sorry, Toga." I say to her, hoping she accepts my apologies. "It's fine, I guess.." She said, mumbling the last part. "Wellll~ What do you wanna get??" "New clothes?" I say to her, unsure. We then walk to the clothing section, and we found the cutest outfit!

 We then walk to the clothing section, and we found the cutest outfit!

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    "We NEED that!" Toga exclaims, in her murderous tone. She then grabs the dress, and then my hand. She then starts runningnout of Target, with me and the dress. I'm somewhat freaking out! I'm glad she didn't take anything else, but still! It said this dress was 15984 Yen! (120 USD) We are finally out of the mall, and the alarms started to sound. "Toga!! The police are going to the mall!" I exclaim, while freaking out. "It's fineee!" She replies, while running into a random alley way. "Do you know the way a-around here?" I say to Toga, questioning her. "Yeah, totally!" She says back. "..So that's a no?" I ask her. "...Shut up." She says back to me.

   Dabi then appears out of the shadows, I just stare at him. How did I not hear his footsteps?? "Come on." He says, demanding. Toga and I just follow him, and he brings us back to the Leagues base. If I ran now, I'd probably be burnt to a crisp.. The chances of escaping are too slim right now, so I can't try anything.

  We then walked into the Leagues base, and I sat down on the cold floor beside Toga. She started a conversation with me, which slowly got interesting. We then heard the doors open, and our heads quickly turned to look at the door. It's... Aoyama?! Why would he be here.. was he kidnapped and forced to give information to them? Aoyama couldn't be the traitor! He's always so.. nice. "Oh, uh Y/N!" Aoyama says, staring at me, very nervously. "Toga.. why is he acting so.. nervous?" I ask her. "Probably cuz your here, Y/N!" Toga replies back to me. Shigaraki then walked over to Aoyama, whispering to him about stuff. I looked back over to where Toga was, but she wasn't there! I turned to the other side, and she completely ditched me to talk to Dabi!

  I got up from where I was sitting, and walked over to them. "Whatcha talking about??" I questioned them. I wasn't jealous, was I? I wasn't jealous that Toga left me to talk to Dabi, am I? No, I could never be! "Maybe we'll tell you when you learn to mind your own business." Dabi says back to me, in his normal seeming voice. I stood silently, shocked of what he said. My eye twitched a little bit when I looked at him. He just grinned back at me, I bet he thought that was funny. "Oh! We were talking about-" Toga says, getting cut off by Dabi. "Like I said, mind your own business. I really hated that he kept repeating that. I wanted to jump on him and strangle him, but he would probably burn me alive before I would be able to.

  "Dabi! Be kind for once!" Toga said to him, in a sassy sounding tone. While she said that, she reached up and smacked him in the face. I had a slight smile on my face after that, knowing that one person here cared about me. I'm sure that they noticed the smile that was on my face, and Toga giggled. While she giggled, Dabi grinned.

  After that, Aoyama walked out and left. He has to be the UA traitor! But soon, I might be one too.. 

1028 words

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