ᴛᴏɢᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴀʙɪ

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  "Toga, I just had the craziest dream!" I yelled to her, as I tried to wake myself up fully. "Ooh tell me everything!!" She exclaimed, in her usual mood. "Oh wait... It's gone now." I sighed. It was a lie, I didn't forget it at all. I just thought I probably shouldn't tell her. It might ruin our relationship.

  "Wanna watch a movie with me, Y/N?" Toga questioned while remaining excited. "I don't see why not, what is it?" I stared. She then rubbed her chin, I'm assuming to think of a movie. "How about Kwaidan?" She jumped in excitement "Who and what?" I questioned. "You don't know it? It's one of the best horror movies out there!" She yelled in a mother-like tone. We usually do joke around a lot. "Okay, Mom!" I yelled back, and then we both giggled.

  "Shut your loud ass mouths up or I'll shut them for you." We heard a low and raspy voice outside the door, "And I mean it." Dabi added as he flicked Toga in the head. "And what did I hear about a movie? Don't let the others now." He added on, once again "They won't find out!" Toga exclaimed. "They sure will if I tell them." Dabi grinned, getting a gasp from Toga. This is pretty normal, they seem pretty close. I think. "Please don't tell them!!" Toga yelled, and we received looks from fellow league members.

  "I want to watch the movie with you guys." Dabi sighed. "I would rather hear you both screaming and fangirling over people than be here with these weirdos," He said as he pointed at Spinner, who was kissing a Stain body pillow. "What the fuck Spinner?!" Toga yelled, seeming to be weirded out. "I'm out for the day, don't burn the place down. Dabi's in charge." Shigaraki sighed, as he ran out of the place as fast as he possibly could. Honestly, I think he's done with everyone here too.

  Toga then starts rummaging through a ton of boxes and pulls out an old-ass-looking tv that's probably from the 60s for all I know. "Taa daa!" Toga said, holding the DVD like it's Simba. I just stared. Toga stared back at me. Our eyes then met, and to break the silence, Dabi had to make it awkward. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Dabi said, mimicking Toga's high-pitched voice and personality. "Alright," Toga said, then pulling me in. She kissed me on the lips, and I gasped. This allowed her tongue to get inside. She's now exploring every place in my mouth, while Dabi just stares at us in shock. I don't think he expected this to happen, but it did. Toga then pulled me into a hug and ended the kiss.

  "W-What?!" I yelled. It took me a minute to process what just happened. But oh-em-gee! I just kissed someone! My first kiss was a girl?! I mean, my dad did say "No boyfriend's until you're 35." I giggled just thinking of his reaction. Mannn, I'll be in big trouble, but who cares?! I might never see my dad again. "When's my turn?" Dabi said, just grinning. I became more flustered than before, spitting out, "Ehhahahaha?!" They both looked pretty concerned. "I want f/j" I mumbled. "We'll get your juice." Toga giggled. Damnit, her laugh is so cute. I can't fall in love with a villain, I'm going to be a hero! It's wrong, so I can't... I really can't.

 A few hours later, Shigaraki came back. Meaning, we get to watch the movie. Toga started to set up the tv in a little corner of the huge room. She also put a blanket to lay on, 3 pillows, and a blanket to be underneath. "Be grateful I set up an area for you too." She hissed, giving Dabi a disgusted look. Something definitely happened. "I call sitting beside Y/N!" Toga yelled, receiving a glare from Dabi. "I wanna sit beside her too." He sighed. Toga started tugging on my arm, and it did kinda hurt. "H-How about I sit in the middle?" I suggested, causing Toga to let go of my arm. I immediately put a hand over it from the pain.

  I don't like sitting in the middle, but it prevented an argument. I guess you win some you lose some. Both of my hands are underneath the blanket, despite it being extremely hot outside. Toga gets the movie ready and puts the DVD in. The movie starts after a couple of minutes. Maybe about halfway through the movie, Toga broke some silence. "I love this part!" She exclaimed, as she slid her hand underneath mine and held it. I guess it caused me to be a little flustered, of course. On the other side of me, Dabi started twirling a little piece of my hair. One of his hands was twirling my hair, and the other grabbed my chin so I could look at him.

  "It's my turn." He said, as he then kissed me. Toga took immediate attention and pulled us apart. She then moved me and sat in the middle. I could hear some whispering from the two, bickering back and forth. A few minutes later, the volume starts rising. I can't hear the tv over them now, how annoying. I can now hear them throwing insults at each other like crazy. "Hoe" "Cock Sucker" 

  I sighed in annoyance. What a day.

I'm back!! Also, I reached 909 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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