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After finishing off that Trihexa beast, which I learned what it's name was when I was training to become stronger, it was already sundown when I flew back to my home. I entered in and went to take my suit off to put on some regular clothing. After doing that, I went to take my book back to it's shelf and washing my tea cup. I went to take a nap because I was a little tired from what happened earlier, as soon as I was drifting to sleep I hear my doorbell rang and heard some foot steps getting off my doorstep.

'Ding dong'

I got off of my bed and went to the living room to open the door, what I saw made my blood boil. I see my old bullies Rias and her peerage on my yard. Making an annoyed face, I walked down my porch to know what the fuck they want and how did they found me.

Rias started to speak: "Ah, hello again Y/N, It's been a while hasn't it?. Everybody misses you back at the academy..."

Y/N stayed silent and just looked at them and said: "Why are you here Rias, and how did you me?"

Rias: "Straight to the point then... I want you to join my peerage." she said with pride hoping to make him join her.

Y/N stayed silent again then started to giggle then chuckling then went to full on laughing.

Rias: "Hey, what's so funny?!"

Y/N stopped laughing and stared at them dead in the eyes and said: "Oh nothing, its just pretty stupid that you, are asking me to join you and your retarted group 'scoff' as if. My answer is a no Rias."

Rias: "Fine if you don't wanna join my peerage.. then how about a bet?" Y/N thought for a moment then said: "alright, what do you propose?" Rias grinned she continued: "My peerage vs you, If I win you will join my peerage."

Y/N: "And if I win, you get the fuck out of here and never try come back EVER."

Rias: "Heh Issei, attack"


Issei: "Take this you asshole!" he summoned his boosted gear as he charged at Y/N and punched him on the stomach. Issei realized that Y/N didn't get blown off by the punch and looked up at him and Y/N said to him: "Really, is that what you call a punch?. This is a punch" Y/N reeled back his arm and punched Issei in the chest breaking his ribs and sent him flying past Rias and her peerage. Everyone looked back at him and he said: "Next" he said bored, Xenovia and Kiba went to attack him but he just dodged and deflected all of their attacks. Now seeing them tired Kiba yelled: "Just fight us already you fucking coward!" Y/N just said to him: "ok" and punched Kiba straight in the chest and he was down on the ground groaning in pain. Y/N dodged a slash from Xenovia who came from behind, he just backhanded her and got sent flying to a tree knocking her out. Y/N heard something and turned around to see Koneko ripping out a tree from the ground and threw it at him, he positioned himself and used his forearm to shield himself. The tree just split in half as it went past him, Koneko used her chance to attack and Y/N saw her coming as she was punching from all directions she got irritated as she's not hitting him he was just deflecting her punches. As Koneko reeled her arm back for a strong singular punch, she was surprised as Y/N caught her fist before making it's impact, he uppercutted her and right hook punch her knocking her out. He looked at the three enemies remaining having a bored face. Rias looked angry at him while Asia had worried and scared face as Akeno shot lightning at him to which he flew out of the way. She was floating in the air with her devil wings out and kimono then said to him: Now hold still Y/N~, so I can electrocute you!" she said the last part angrily remembering what he did to him.

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