Last flight and last fight

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We open to see the Union Academy building on the brink of collapsing with the sky having the color red, with smoke flying into the air. We zoom in on the ground to see the people who are the so called "heroes" consisting of: Half of class 1a(Half of them died trying to get Y/N), rias and her peerage, sona and her peerage, team (R)WBY, CRDL, and last but not least Ozpin, and finally Ironwood and Sirzechs.

They stared at the building with all of them in shock and some even crying on their knees. Then something from the sky came into the scene, it was Y/N in his hero suit and when everybody saw him they readied themselves as they now wanted to kill him so badly.


As I stared at them I looked back at the destroyed building I smiled and said: "Hm, now that is a sight to see". They were pissed from that comment as Bakugo came forward and yelled: "Your going to pay for all of this you fucking asshole!" as he readied themselves as I said: "Ok" with a straight face.

3rd POV

And as the fight begun Bakugo went to attack first but Y/N flew at him and by grabbing his neck and dragged him across the battlefield, as that was going on bakugo managed to escape Y/N's grasp as he put his hands up and used his explosions but Y/N just flew and dodged while the others were trying to shoot him with their magic and some other shit. As Y/N was dodging their projectiles, Bakugo was charging up a huge explosion and then released it onto Y/N as he blown up and was now covered in huge smoke. Everybody thought he was dead but as the smoke cleared, it revealed Y/N unscathed from that attack.

Bakugo got angry as he tried to ready another but Y/N suddenly grabbed him by the neck again and slowly lifted him up, Bakugo tried using his explosions but it was futile as Y/N started to talk: "You know, a person like you don't deserve to be a hero... nor to live" he said grimly as he punched through Bakugo's chest and grabbed his heart as he let go of him.

Bakugo was now on his knees and on a puddle of blood and dripping said blood from his mouth, Y/N stared at his heart for second as he turned to his bully and he stuck Bakugo's heart into his mouth as Y/N grabbed his head with both hands and started to slowly crush his head. Everyone watched in horror as he crushed Bakugo's head like a watermelon, exploding with blood and guts as some of them threw up from that and was lost for words. As the headless corpse dropped to the ground, Y/N slowly turned to his side as he looked at all of them with an emotionless face.

They readied themselves showed no fear on their faces but instead had angry ones, and the next thing that happened is what could only say was a bloodbath.

Y/N ripped and teared through all of them, with class 1a their asses handed to them and dead and Y/N killing sona and her peerage along with rias's peerage but she herself survived but not unscathed because of Issei, the only ones left were WBY, Ozpin, Ironwood and Sirzechs. Him and Issei tried to save Rias but was killed in the most brutal way possible by Y/N.

Issei was now beyond pissed and Sirzechs as well, Issei turned into his final form and started fight Y/N with it but ultimately losing by having his jaw ripped off from him and losing his arm with his sacred gear in it, now laying in blood and now dead. But not before Y/N grabbing his soul(Yes he can see peoples souls when they die right infront of him)As Y/N grabbed Issei's soul he used his heat vision with some magic in it, after that Issei's soul vaporized now non existent. Sirzechs tried to attack but also gets killed now its just WBY and those two for Y/N to deal with.

Blake and Weiss got killed and beaten instantly as Yang was now also beyond pissed, with that Y/N and Yang started to fight, Yang threw a punch but Y/N blocks it with his left hand with the wind blowing from behind him. He just punched Yang in the face as she was too slow to even see him punch her but Y/N's punch did not just hit her it went through her face to the back of her head as blood and bits of guts flew from behind her head.

Now its just those two, as Y/N stared at them with a death stare, Ironwood tried to pull out his gun but gets grabbed by the face as Y/N started to fly through the collapsing school building creating more damage, as Y/N stopped he looked at of what's left of Ironwood's face as he crushed it and flew back to Ozpin.


As Y/N was just floating there staring at Ozpin menacingly, as he floated down to him, Ozping charged at him using his semblance while he started to yell: "Damn you!. I was supposed to rule this world, but you just had to exist and ruin EVERYTHING!" Y/N had enough of his ramblings as his blocked his cane and grabbed it. and used his cane stab through Ozpin's ears as he was now deaf and blood dripping from both is ears.

As Ozpin was dazed, Y/N delivered the final blow, uppercutting him as Ozpin's head went flying from his body as it dropped to the ground. Ozpin's soul went out from his corpse as it tried to fly away and look for a new body, but before he can do that Y/N grabbed him and used his heat vision to eviscerate his soul as it exploded in particles as that was over, Y/N saw that Ozpin's corpse started to lose all its color and vaporized.

Y/N: "Hmm..."

As the fight was finally over the red sky started to disappear as he saw the sun and its light, Y/N saw that it was sun down as he took off his mask to feel the sun light on his face and took deep breathes to calm down. After that he put on his mask and flew off to somewhere as he didn't look back.

The End

Hey guys, I know it's been quite a long time since I last uploaded and I hoped that you enjoyed this last chapter. I wanted to make this chapter because I thought it would be nice for you guys to know and read the end of this story. That's kind of a good thing for an audience right? anyway thank you all for reading this story and stay safe. That's all folks

See ya around.


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