"Girl in New Orleans"

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"And she cooks, wow," Diana exclaimed as she walked through the kitchen seeing the breakfast spread.

"I grew bored waiting for you to wake up," I told her and handed her a plate.

"I'll sleep in more often if it grants me a made breakfast," she laughed.

Her laughing made me smile, I missed hearing that angelic sound. Walking towards her, I wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my head on her shoulder. I moved her brunette hair to the side and kissed on her jawbone moving down to her neck.

"Emilia." I hummed in response continuing my kisses. "As much as I would love for this to continue." She paused when I unbuttoned her pants but placed her hand over mine. "Let me eat first then we can finish this."

I sighed, pressing one last kiss on her neck and pulled away allowing her to sit at the kitchen island. Sitting on the stool next to her, I took a couple raspberries off of her plate.

"Emilia." This time she said my name in a different tone.

"Yes, darling," I chuckled, eating the berries.

"Those were mine."

"I'm sorry." I kissed her cheek. My phone buzzing made me roll my eyes, it was Klaus telling me I should meet him at Rousseau's during the music festival. Something about convincing the young witch to switch sides.

"Let me guess, it's Niklaus and he has a master plan that involves you." I nodded my head and she sighed, "When are you going to be your own person?" Her question took me aback causing me to give her a confused look. "When are you going to stop following him around like a lost puppy? A century later and you're still doing everything he says without question."

"He's my brother, Diana. We've gone through the same trauma, I'm not going to turn my back on him like everyone else."

"I'm not asking you to do that, Em. I just want you to do something that will benefit you for once. Okay?"

"Okay." I shrugged my shoulders not really thinking about her words. "Eat up, I'm bored." I received another text; this time it was from Hayley.

letting you know that i'm going to get a checkup for baby mikaelson

be safe

"Emilia." I looked up from the phone to face Diana who had a raised eyebrow. "I've said your name five times."

"Sorry, Rebekah's ranting about what happened last night. You have my undivided attention for the rest of day."

"That sounds amazing," she mumbled, kissing my lips.


"Think about what I said," Diana repeated her earlier words before I speeded out of her house and stood beside Klaus in an alleyway.

"Dear sister, what did you do today?" I heard the amusement in his voice and felt him looking at me, smirking.

"Wandered the city, exploring."

"I'm sure you explored something alright."

"Niklaus." I smacked his shoulder and he laughed, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Who are you going to choose?"

"What do you mean?"

"Hayley or Diana? The pregnant werewolf or the brunette vampire who stole your heart? You have a difficult decision to make, Lia."

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