Chap 2 Dream come true!

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Adhya shakti POV

I took the Lucy in my embrace. She is so cute. I welcomed Jaideep Bhai and Jade with their precious gem Lucy at my home. Aaru is already elated to see them.

"Do you recognise me princess"! I asked Lucy
She babbles and smile. I kissed her cheeks.

"Be comfortable jaideep Bhai and jade". I told them.

I looked Aaru, he is smiling widely.

"Aaru see your girlfriend". I teased my kid.

He smiled shyly and put her hands on his face.
Every one start laughing at his reaction.

"Jade, take her. I will be back in a moment". I gave Lucy to jade.

I served them juice.

(Ring..... door bell rings)

"I just come back."

As i opened the door, i saw Arun and Alice were standing. I hugged Alice. I saw their little Aman who is now 6 year old is standing next to them. I hugged him.
I smiled at Arun.

"Come inside". I said..

They did the same.

"Aaryan!" Aman yelled in joy.
Both brothers hugged each other.

Jaideep Bhai and Arun shook their hands. Jade and Alice hugged each other.

"Aman Aryan, go play in your room. Take Lucy with you. & Don't tease her. And no mischief. Okay"? Jaideep bhai told both the boys.

"Okay uncle". Aryan replied then they moved to their room.
We saw their retreating figures.

I served juice to both Alice and Arun.

"How are you Adhya"? Alice asked

I am fine. I replied faintly.

"We are here princess. Don't worry". Jaideep bhai replied.

I nodded

"How is work Arun"? I asked
"It's going fine." He replied.

"What is the matter Adhya! Tell us". Arun asked

"He will be in London Arun! Imtiaz Siddiqui." I told them.

I saw Arun fisted .

"When?" He asked.
"May be in a week".

"We have to Catch him alive. He must not escape." I said.

"Don't worry Pari. You have us. And don't you dare to manage everything by your own. I left you in danger  last time. But this time i won't listen to anything. I still regret why  i had sent you all alone to India. I am disappointed that you never contacted me afterwards". Jaideep bhai said.

"What happened has happened jaideep Bhai. Besides it's my battle. I cannot put your life in danger. You have a family. I replied

"You are our family"! Jade replied.

"And You are not putting our life in danger." Arun said

"Ya i believe you", i replied sadly to Arun and eyed at his chopped little finger of right hand.

"Don't bla"..
I cut his words in middle

"You lost your finger because of me Arun. I cannot forgive myself. I was weak" . I replied sadly and looked at Alice who was in tears.

"I am sorry"! I mumbled

Arun POV

She didn't know that bastard tried to force himself upon her. When i reached at the site, i saw bloodshed. I froze when i saw Naaz was dead but the other figure who was on the ground was Adhya and beside her was IMTIAZ SIDDIQUI.
I saw she was unconscious. And Imtiaz trying to molest her. I couldn't wait for long and punched him hard on face. I cover Adhya with my jacket. I repeatedly punched Imtiaz Siddiqui.  I saw him going unconscious. When he fainted, my attention goes to Adhya. I patted her. Buts it's of no use. I again patted her. She regained half consciousness.

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