chap 3 Gaining trust

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Adhya shakti POV

"Mumma! Who is he"? Aaru asked

Right now i am sitting on chair, desperately waiting doctor to come out. They are checking the man who called me Aashi, he look like my Advitya. I don't know i should cry or laugh in happiness. I want to confirm he is my Advitiya.

"Aaru i will tell you when we reach home! Ok". I replied.

He nodded. He didn't ask any questions further. Aaryan is very understanding..

Suddenly emergency room opens.
Doctor comes out .
I stood up .

"How is he doctor"? I asked.
"Can I talk to you about the patient in private".? Doctor said.

I said yes.

"Aaru! Be there! Don't move. I will be back. Okay"! I told him. He nodded.
"Can you keep a watch on him", i asked the receptionist .
She smiled and said yes
Then i walked behind doctor to his cabin.

We settled down on our respective chairs.

"How you know this patient"? doctor asked.
"H..hhe is my h.. husband. ! I mean his face resembles to him". I replied.

Suddenly doctor's room opens
"What happened to ASHISH? How is he doctor"? Two middle aged English couple enters the room.

"Mr and Mrs Williams, be seated. And relax." Doctor Rai said. They settled down. They looked at me in confusion.

Why they called Advitya as Ashish.! I thought.

"Mr Williams, this is Ashish's wife"! Doctor announced.
"What!" They said in unison.


"But how she get to know about him"? Mr Williams asked.

"Actually coincidentally Ashish saw her in hospital and he yelled her name after that he fainted". Doctor said.

Confused is understatement . I am trying to contemplate what and how should I react. Can i trust them?. I need to know more.

"Doctor what happened to Adv.... i mean Ashish"? I asked.

"Well he is suffering from PTSD.I hope you all know what PTSD is." Doctor said.

My eyes welled up with his declaration. My Advit is suffering from PTSD.

"No doctor we don't know." That middle aged lady said.

"Ashish is suffering from post traumatic experience. In past he suffered major accident that lead to temporary amnesia. I think he recovered from it. His recent brain mapping shows he has shown massive recovery in last two years. But now he experiences tower moments and triggers. That leads to irrational behaviour. Before i can comment further i want to know how he got ill."? Doctor said while looking at me.

"Adv..  i mean i lost Ashish 3 years back. We were coming back to our house via road, suddenly some rowdies stopped our way. We came out of car. They pointed gun on us. They fired , Ashish took the bullet and fall into a deep gorge. The thieves left the place when they saw bloodshed. I fainted and when i regained my consciousness, i found myself in hospital bed". I half lied to them.

"That's sad to hear Miss... May i know your name". Doctor asked.

What should I say now.. i thought.

"Umm. My name is Aashi". I replied

"Aashi! Oh so you really his wife. He recalls your name even in unconsciousness". Mrs Williams said.

I wiped my tears.

"How do you know my husband"? I asked the couple.

"Well 6 months back when we were returning to our place, we found him on road. He was fainted. We took him to the hospital. Doctor Rai examined him. He gave him some medications. We asked his name. He was soft spoken,he said he is searching for work . We took him to our place and offered him a job. He has a good business knowledge. We were impressed. So he is now working as a manager in our textile Mills." Mr Williams replied.

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