chap 10 His rage

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Adhya POV

"Mumma, is papa at home"? Aaru asked

"Yes"!! I replied while driving.

I just hope Advitya accept him. I talked to jade and told her about that i am going to tell Advitya about Aaryan. Advitya has started believing. I Don't want to delay now. 

I parked the car at the area. And took Aaryan in my arms. As i got down from the car, It started raining heavily.

"Mumma , hurry up.. it's raining". Aaru yelled.

"Yaa.. wait the grocery items., Umm leave it. I will take them out once rain stop. We must go inside first". I said.

I started walking in a hurry, barely covering Aaru with my dupatta as i can't let him walk in a rainy day. He may fall.  Although he put his orthoses but i can't take risk.

"Mumma, who is this man standing infront of our main door that to in rain". Aaru said while pointing his finger.

"Who"? I saw in the direction.

"Aadi? What is he doing in the rain." I cannot see his face clearly as it's raining heavily.

I came closer to him. And i saw him drenched completely. Since when he is standing here? I thought.

"Aadi? Why are you standing here?" I asked.

He didn't reply. What happened to him. I thought.

I put Aryan down. He stood next to me. He is watching Advitya keenly with his innocent eyes.

I looked at Advitya he was glaring Aryan. His eyes were red. Is he angry.? I tried to read his emotions.

"Advitya! Are you"..

"Papa! Aaru shouted in happiness". even before i complete the sentence.

I immediately looked at Advitya. He stared at me with his bloodshot eyes. I trembled a bit. 

"Aa..adi ,Aaryan".. i walked a little. But he took the back steps and gestured me stop from his right hand.

"So the hospital uncle is my Papa". Aaru said happily in innocence.

I saw Advitya never leaving my gaze. for the first time i saw hate rather anger in his eyes.

I walked hurriedly moved towards him and cupped his face. "Aadi you might catch cold , lets go inside first".. i said.

"DON'T TOUCH ME"! He shouted and jerked my hand harshly.

I jumped on my place. I looked at Aryan he was standing shocked . His smile vanished all of a sudden.

"Aadi please , lets go inside".  I tried to hold his hand but he shirked forcefully to detach himself from my hold, that impact made me stumble and i lost the balance and I fall on the floor.

"Mumma"! Aryan cried.

"Papa".. I saw Aryan limped towards Advitya to stop him.

On next moment i saw Aaryan on floor as Advitya gave strong backhand to Aryan. And he fall on the floor.
I gasped..
"Aryan"! I cried when i saw my baby on floor.

"I AM NOT TOUR FATHER"! Advitya shouted on Aaryan who is now crying.

"Aaru, i stood up and ran towards Aryan". I lifted him and tried to calm him down.

"Aaru! Baby breath, shh, stop crying, you are my strong baby.. i am sorry.".but he is crying hysterically.

I am crying too because this is not i wanted. I saw Advitya who is glaring at us with so many questions. and this is what i was fearing.

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