Explanation of Author' faulth and QnA

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This chapter is getting longer than I'd like, I hope you'll be willing to read it, but no. It doesn't matter if you don't.

So... I want to give an explanation of the things that I often encounter in the comments column.

First, English is not my first language so maybe I will make some mistakes, especially you may find many of my mistakes in the early chapters.

Yes, that's mainly because it was my first time trying to write in English.

Then then I seem to often make mistakes in pronouns, or words or pronunciations that distinguish someone based on gender.

So this is it, um...

In my language, (I'm Indonesian) we only have very few types of pronouns, and that's also not gender-distinguishing, or maybe I can call it neutral?  Because both men and women are called by the same thing.

I will give some comparisons or simple examples.

On the one hand is how we often pronounce it in English, while on the other hand how my language pronounces it.

She/he = dia
niece/nephew = keponakan
Maid/servant = pelayan

'Her' secret / 'his' secret = rahasia 'nya'
Help 'her' / help 'him' = membantu 'nya'

And others.

You can see, in English we have different pronunciations for men and women, while in my language, whether it's male or female they are pronounced the same, gender doesn't really affect how they are called.

And this is one of the things I often make mistakes.  Why is that?  Because if translated to my language;  e.g. she/he; maid/servant looks the same to me. That's why I often mix them.

But even though it looks the same to me, it may have a different impact or meaning for those of you who use English in your country.

Although I have noticed my progress over time, there are fewer mistakes as the story progresses, sometimes I even manage to make chapters without any mistakes🎉🎉.

I'm very grateful to my dear readers for being happy to teach me, and even correcting any mistakes I missed, if readers find an faulth and tell me about it, I'll probably edit it on Wattpad, but not for ao3.

Because it's easier to pinpoint where I went wrong on Wattpad and edit it as quickly as possible.  (I'll probably try to edit in ao3 later after this fic ends).

I also hope for the help of my dear readers in the future, you can point out things that you feel are not quite right, and it will be very appreciated if you do it on Wattpad, but I will also continue to read it if you provide it on ao3.

Then for other comments that I often find.

Think of this as QnA.

Q : What is in this fic Cale/Kim Rok Soo or OgCale?
A : in this fic it is Cale/Kim Rok Soo

Q: is this au where Kim Rok Soo reincarnated as Cale?  Then does that mean there is no OgCale?
A : uhm... it would be a spoiler if I answered it.

Q: When will Cale get his memory as Kim Rok Soo completely?
A : soon, but I still really love Cale's baby innocence, so it might take some time.

Q : Will this fic follow the TCF/LCF plot?
A : I'm only going to take a few but maybe it will change a lot of things, because this is a romantic genre fic.

Q: If this is Cale/Kim Rok Soo, why is the character portrayal different from the Kim Rok Soo we know?
A: So this is Kim Rok Soo who doesn't have Kim Rok Soo's memory (memory of a very cruel life) so I'm describing it assuming 'what if' Kim Rok Soo didn't go through 'too much' suffering, with people who are very protective and  our baby cunning.

Q: If in this fic it is Cale/Kim Rok Soo, why is our baby so innocent?
A: This isn't much different from the previous answer, and I think it's natural to be innocent, children grow up in an environment that supports them.  And if you take a closer look at TCF/LCF, Kim Rok Soo before meeting Lee Sok Hyuk, I think he's pretty innocent.  Although of course he has vigilance, intelligence, and cunning but he only really grew after meeting Lee Soo Hyuk.

(Lee Soo Hyuk, what did you do to our baby.)

Q: When will Cale and Alberu get married?
A : I honestly haven't thought about it too much, some readers think that when Cale is 18, but there are also those who want it to be slower because they want to see Alberu suffer more.  (Sorry, Alberu)

Q : cough* is Cale 'much' smaller– cough* than Alberu?  (Because in the novel Cale is only slightly shorter than him)
A : yes, since Cale is an omega, his body is definitely smaller and he doesn't even exercise, and Alberu has been well taken care of ever since Cale came to the Palace and even trained with Choi Han and Ron.

Q: did the children die?
A : (I was surprised by this question) No, children don't die.

Q: will Cale and Alberu have a baby?
A: I'm still thinking about it.

Q : are you sure for smwt?  (Though readers will be very happy with that) but are you going to make it explicit enough?  (Many will like it too)
A : (looks like you're trying to encourage me instead of asking) I would most likely add smwt, but whether it would be explicit or not I'm not sure.  (I've recently discovered that my ability to write scenes like kisses and such is so good that it seems explicit, I wonder if I'm too total when I write it or should I cut back on my skills.)

Q : a reader asked me : "Also asking if you're available (not immediately) for commissions"
A : sorry, I don't really understand what that means.  Can someone explain it to me?

Q: when will Cale meet the children?
A: immediately!

Q : can you make Deruth go to jail?
A : uhm... I'm not sure.

Q: how long is Cale's hair?
A : for now half waist (I mentioned it during the bathroom scene).

You can ask other questions in the comments column, I will probably make part 2 for QnA.

And I will also accept criticism and suggestions, some readers are willing to write it in quite long text in the comments column and I really enjoy reading it, it honestly gives a lot of inspiration when I'm confused with the plot that I made myself.

Once again, thank you~♡

July 15, 2022

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