Chapter 18

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"Oh, Prince is back!"

Cale came jumping up, Alberu laughed slightly with Cale still calling him Prince.

“Cale-nim should now call His Highness not Prince.”

Cale frowned slightly at Choi Han's call, but it looked cute instead.

"Very well, Your Highness."  Cale's hair that was above his shoulders swayed as a light breeze started to arrive.

“Cale have you eaten?”  Alberu asked considering it was still early.

"I already had a snack, but now I'm hungry again."

Alberu smiled looking at Cale who was patting his stomach, even though Cale ate a lot but he still looked thin, but he had to admit his cheeks were getting fatter.

"Then, let's eat."

The three of them ended up walking through the garden for a while before returning to Alberu Palace and having the maids prepare some food.

The gardens and the Alberu Palace were truly incomparable to the way they used to be, there were only luxury items in every corner of the Palace, not to mention the gardens that were decorated so beautifully and majestically.

Oh, and Alberu even took a piece of land belonging to another Palace near his Palace estate to further expand the garden and build a fence there.

Of course the reason was so that Cale wouldn't step into another Palace's territory and stay where he was.  Considering Cale liked to wander around here and there looking for something.

This should be wide enough, right?


They arrived at the spacious dining room and were greeted with expensive looking chairs and tables, waiters coming and lining up to serve the food.

"Where's the butler?"  Alberu asked seeing Ron's disappearance.

Ron was now officially Alberu Palace's butler, although most of Ron's job was to take care of Cale because Alberu had a dark elf servant to take care of him.

"Ron went to . . . look for the fox."

Cale tried to remember what Ron had said before leaving.

"So looking for a fox?"  For some reason Choi Han's expression looked strange, but Cale didn't understand so he ignored it.

"Yes."  Cale simply nodded and put the piece of meat into his mouth, Beacrox's cooking was indeed the best.

Alberu glanced at the servants in the corner of the room, they were the dark elf combat squad in disguise.

Looks like a lot of work overtime tonight.


Alberu escorted Cale to his room, Cale said goodnight before closing the door and resting in his room.

It seemed like Cale was sure there was some dust stuck to his feet as he walked on the floor of his room barefoot, but was too lazy to pay attention and immediately plopped down onto the bed.

Alberu outside was about to return to his room before turning to look at Choi Han.

"You'd better stay here too, maybe Ron won't be back until tomorrow morning."

Choi Han had his own pavilion exclusively for Royal instructors, but that didn't mean he didn't normally stay.

"Of course."


The night was quiet, much quieter than Alberu had thought.

'Maybe it's just me?'

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