Chapter 6

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Heeseung was spacing out on the couch as the others were asleep. He turned as he saw Sunghoon on the doorway after hearing the door open. "Were you with her?" He asked. "Hee" Sunghoon called as he looked at him. "What happened?" He asked. 

"I was just having dinner with her, after that was gonna treat her coffee at our cafe because I mi-" "Do you miss the closeness, or do you miss her because you like her?" Sunghoon asked. Heeseung stood there speechless. Sunghoon only sighed before leaving him alone in the room. Heeseung stood there processing everything. 

"Hee!" Jaeri called smiling as Heeseung walked out of their clubroom. "Oh why are you here?" Heeseung asked. "Here, good luck on your practice!" Jaeri said as she gives him his favorite drink before leaving. Heeseung stood there clueless but took it since Jaeri is a good friend of his,

Heeseung sat on the couch stunned as he remembers the stuff Jaeri does for him.

"I'm not hungry" Heeseung said as he sat in front of Sunghoon. "Jaeri's coming here soon, she'll be slightly mad at you for not eating" Sunghoon said. Heeseung shakes his head. Sunghoon sighed as he noticed Jaeri approaching them. "Not eating again? Here" Jaeri said as she passed him another bento box. 

Heeseung looked at her. "But I have to-" "excuses are not allowed to me" Jaeri said and sat beside him. "Just eat" She said as she opened her lunch box. "Why don't I have one" Sunghoon pouted at her. "You've got one from your lover Hoon!" Jaeri stated. Heeseung looked at Sunghoon with wide eyes. "Lover?" Heeseung asked in shock.

"You don't know? He's dating his close parter when we were in high school!" Jaeri said. Heeseung glared at Sunghoon who's smiling sheepishly at him before leaving the two alone. "Alright! Where are the others? Heri was assigned for Seventeen today, and I am assigned for you guys today" Jaeri said as she clasped her hands.

"Yosoung Oppa asked for a leave today, so looks like I have to take care of you guys" Jaeri said as she sat on the couch waiting for the others. "En-o'clock shooting noona?" Jungwon asked as he peeked through the door. She nodded at him. She looked at Heeseung who's eating the bento she made. 

"Ah, Jaeri! I'm ordering coffee's for all of us. Anything u want?" Sunghoon asked. "Ordering? But we need to leave in a few..... oh we still have 2 hrs. Get me my usual" Jaeri said as she checked the time. Sunghoon was about to ask what her usual was until; "Get her Iced Caramel Latte, it's what she's taking these days" Heeseung butted in. Sunghoon nodded before walking to his room to order.

She just looked at Heeseung who just went back to eating. Not even looking at her after he said that. "What was that" Jaeri mumbled to herself. 


Jaeri stood beside the director as she watched what the boys were doing. She was gonna stay with them for tonight since it took them until night here in this place. "You don't have ay sched for tomorrow?" The director whispered to Jaeri. She shakes her head in response. "Mr. Jang knows by now that I'll be with the boys until Yosoung oppa is back" She said. The director nodded. 

"Cut! We're done for today" The Director said. Jaeri motioned the boys to come to her. "I'll tell you guys the rooms y'all are assigned to. Tell me if there's any changes you want." Jaeri said. She pointed on two members that'll be roomates for this night and told them she'll be staying with Jungwon. 

"I wanna be with noona, tho" Ni-ki said with a pout. Jaeri just laughed. "The stuffs are already there, I'll help the others pack up. You can rest now" Jaeri said before leaving them all. "You need some explaining to do" Heeseung said to Sunghoon as she left. Sunghoon could only chuckle as he knew what it's about.

"You like her?" Sunghoon asked as Heeseung came in. "Huh?" Heeseung asked confused. "You've been waking up early again to spend breakfast with her like before" Sunghoon stated as he looked at Heeseung in the eyes. "Will you stop after a few days of spending breakfast with her again??" Sunghoon asked. "What's your point here?" Heeseung asked. "My point here is I like her and I don't want you to hurt her again" Sunghoon said standing up from his seat, still staring at Heeseung.

With the information he got from Sunghoon, he can't help but feel annoyed by what he heard. He doesn't know why, Hurt her again? What does he mean by that. He didn't hurt her right? "You're annoyed?" Sunghoon asked as he noticed the expression Heeseung was reacting. Sunghoon smirked knowing he hit the mark.

Heeseung and Sunghoon were outside, watching as the other staffs and Jaeri pack things up in the van. "Isn't it funny? I used to like her but lied to you that day just for you to settle your feelings for her" Sunghoon said. "Did it work?" He asked facing Heeseung who's busy watching Jaeri.

"It did, be fvcking glad" Heeseung said as he heard the question. "I used to like her, was gonna confess to her during graduation day" Sunghoon said as he sipped the coke in can he got. Heeseung then looked at Sunghoon. "no, the envelope was not a confession from my lover" Sunghoon said knowing what Heeseung wants to hear. I mean, they've been friends for so long. How can he not know by the way he reacts.

"It was from Jaeri, she dropped it during the graduation day" Sunghoon said as Heeseung looked back at Jaeri who's waving and bowing to the staffs, must be leaving soon. "Was it a confession letter?" Heeseung asked. Sunghoon shrugged. "I'm not a nosy brat like you, I didn't read it. I gave it back to her when I saw her before me and my family left" Sunghoon said.

"Now, can I ask? Where were you that time?" Sunghoon asked as he looked at Heeseung. "You saw me after hanging out with Jisoo, were you two really dating??" Sunghoon added as he looked at Heeseung knowing that threre's something more that day. "What's up you two?" The two looked up before Heeseung even answers the question.

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