Chapter 8

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Jaeri hesitantly walked inside the studio, looking for the director of 'The Manager'. "Ms. Yang??" Jaeri turned around to see a man who's probably in his 30s. "Ah! Yes, I'm Jaeri. Erm where's Mr. Kim? I heard he'll be meeting me for the shoot?" Knowing Jaeri, she asked as she know she'll get lost if she didn't. "I'm Mr. Kim." Jaeri stood there stunned. He doesn't look as someone who's in 40s like what Mr. Yang described how the Director would  look like? 

Mr. Kim laughed and told her walk inside the meeting room. "You're early, like how Mr. Yang said you'd probably will." He said before leaving her inside the room. She stood there, silently fidgetting her hands as she doesn't know how much this will affect her. After a few minutes, Mr. Kim came inside with his secretary and sat in front of her.

"Did you know what the Carats and Engene's are saying about you?" Mr. Kim asked suddenly. "I've heard what they do... but I don't want to read it..." Jaeri started. "That's alright. Well now.. Starting next week, we'll start the shooting. We'll be joining your schedules, well mostly joining your schedules with the idols, will you be alright with that?" Mr. Kim asked.

Jaeri sat there, thinking how her days would be starting the shooting. She suddenly have the thought that this could help her be busy and may be ignore Heeseung fully as she noticed that she'll come crawling back to him once she talked to him fully. She faced Mr. Kim and nodded. Mr. Kim stared at his Secretary and smiled soflty before facing her.


Days has passed, Heeseung couldn't get a hold of Jaeri as she has been busy preparing herself for the shooting. It was gonna start tomorrow, he's kind of glad he'll saw her once again. "Missing her?" Heeseung looked up to see Sunoo. "Do you miss her being by your side or do you miss her because you finally know you like her?" Sunoo asked. What's with the members asking him about these type of questions. 

"I know you've finally realized that you like her but dude, remember that it could be because you're missing her boding with you after being ignored for months after graduation." Sunoo said as he sat beside Heeseung on the couch. "Once the shoot starts, you won't get to be that much near to Jaeri as you know that it can cause rumors. Take it a time for you to really know what you really want from her" Sunghoon said as he leaned on the wall, staring at the two. 

Heeseung leaned his head on the couch and looked up with a sigh. "We just don't want Jaeri-noona to be in pain." Sunoo said. "What more if Jungwon knew about this" Sunghoon said before leaving the two.


"Noona!~" Jungwon called as he arrived to the dance studio. He stopped on his tracks as he saw that they were preparing for the shoot. Jaeri smiled at him and told him it was alright. "Didn't know we'll see how the Yang siblings act together in person so early." Mr. Kim, the director said.

Today was the first day of shooting and it was asking the first few questions about herself and being the manager. She had asked them not to reveal her place or some of her lifestyle unless it's connected to the boys. 

Jaeri smiled at the director and asked for forgiveness as her brother suddenly brarged in. "It's alright, we're setting up for not anyways. My secretary probably haven't placed the sign outside." Mr. Kim said.

Jungwon stared at the two talking before smiling softly as he saw his sister going to him. "What's up?" Jaeri asked. "Was gonna invite you for lunch but I think you're busy for now." Jungwon said as he looked around. "The interview will start soon. I told them it's alright to do it in my place as long as they don't show where I live but they said it's better to start here since I have a schedule with you guys anytime soon." She said. 

Jungwon could only nod at her, understanding what she said. "Let's have lunch after this shoot, alright? Before we go to the Music Bank" Jaeri said with a smile. He nodded at her before bowing to everyone, greeting them one by one. Mr. Kim called for her, as a sign that they'll be starting. 

She had told the director to hide the past stories she had with the other members as she grew up with the two of Enhypen's member. She looked in front of the camera as she sat on the chair she was told to sit. "Hi, I'm Yang Jaeri. Sister of Jungwon and a temporary manager of 3 boy groups." She introduced herself once the sign to start was given to.

Is it hard being a manager of three groups?

Jaeri smiled soflty and shakes her head. "I've been an active student in universities as I've always been chosen to be the one to handle almost everything." Jaeri stated.

We've heard that you got in because of your brother Yang Jungwon? Is that correct?

Jungwon heard the question and thought it was a little insensitive of them to bring that up. "Yes but it's also because they've seen my records in school after hearing it from Jungwon. I'll keep the other parts to myself." Jaeri said. 

We've seen some people posting about how close you are with the members in social media, have you been hanging out with them more outside being their manager?

Jaeri looked at Jungwon who was looking at her nervously. 'Ah, I have a bad feeling about this' "I've gotten to know them through work, I knew about them more outside work but they still have some private matters that I do not know. I've stayed professional with them till the end. Work is work, life after work is different." Jaeri said. 

Have you ever felt any romantic feelings for the artist you worked with?

Jaeri looked at the camera man and then the boys who came inside and waved at her. She looked at one specific person before looking back at the camera with a slight sigh. "No, I'm not that close with them since they have their private life" She said with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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