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It is a Secret

- No One

One Thing that Karina Wanted was forget what she have done in the past, After getting dropped out in England she was force to get back in Korea to continue her study

She will admit that Minjeong and her Shared a very long memories together, in which she can understand why The Girl is currently ignoring her.

"You know the rules that we shall Treat the Scholars as Ghost." Karina Raise an eye brow, after yelling at Minjeong earlier to follow her, of course her group is still with her

Minju was with them, but she felt like she doesn't know something about her sister and Her Group,

" have they met before?" Minju mumbled surely no one heard her other than herself

"Yah Talk When i told you too!" Karina didn't know why she was fuming.

Because Minjeong Helped someone who should not be helped?

Or Minjeong Paid all her attention to the scholar?

Minjeong Ignored her?

Or Minjeong just Simply Broke the only Rule that applies to everyone.

Yeah, Its the only rule and its understandable if Karina gets mad, But.

Karina also Talk to Scholars. And tried to Bully her, that was the violation and not the part that Minjeong Helped The Scholar

"Why aren't you talking to me?" Karina was barely holding in, Even ning ning is scared by the way The President raise her voice.

This Karina is very rare.

But Minjeong didn't do that much for Karina to be mad. So what is the real reason?

"We Must Treat them as ghost. when clearly, you're treating them like A Devil Trying to take them with you." Minjeong Finally spoke

Not that it was Pleasant, but Judging by how calm she is, Karina Knew that she wasn't the same winter.

Heck, Even her name feels like it doesn't exist anymore.

"How dare you talk like that?" Karina's Poisoned finally came out

"I spoke what is in my head. I tell no lie Karina."

Her name roll perfectly Pleasant to Karina's ears, not that her name was Ugly, but it sound more wonderful because of Winter.

"We should drop this off Karina, Win- i mean Minjeong is transferee, she's not fully aware of the rules." Yuna tried to explain

Being the Vice President comes with a prize, since Karina cause Trouble for like too much, Yuna will try hard to solve every problem herself.

"Oh well, then she will learn the rules. I am an Exception. And you are place to the regulars. So clearly what i do is not what you do." Karina glared at Minjeong who seemed really uninterested

"Then what Punishment waits? Cleaning bathroom? Detention? Staying in the library?" Minjeong asked it was the same stern yet bored tone of voice.

"You will Serve for the Councils."

How the heck does that even count?!, Clearly serving in councils meaning no time for yourself!

Minjeong was disheartened by how they still treat her even after 6 months.

Fucking Spoiled Brats!

"Its an order not an offer." Karina threatend as she could read the way Minjeong just exploded inside.

Karina exited the empty cafeteria while the rest are following her.

Minju just have to look at her sister, it was Karina after all, she holds the power. That's just how its work to be in Very Private University.

"Damn! She's more than the Devil it self!" Minjeong Grunted, breathing heavily after they all left her alone.

But what she thought was never gonna happen again was the evidence of her Heartbreak.

The liquid came out from her eyes, rolling its way to her cheek until it dropped on the ground.

A clear Evidence that says she's not yet Nor Near On Moving on.

Clearing her mind, she went to her class, Ning Ning already Told her where it was since she has to follow Karina


"You Open for Try outs?" Minjeong, After the Math class is her Vacant. And she decided to join the soccer team

"Of course! Name bro?"

"Kim Minjeong." Minjeong said and the Girl with the same height as her offer a hug in which Minjeong wanted to refuse

But it wasn't an offer. So The girl just Hug her

"Shin Ryujin, Captain of soccer Girls team." Ryujin mentioned in which Minjeong just Smiled and Nod in return

To be honest, soccer player as girl is a loser for them, since they thought they are weak, that's why They lack members and will be disqualified to play since lack of members.

"Try out." Ryujin smirk

Minjeong removed her Bag from her shoulder, jogging her way to the field

"We only have 10 members we need 12 so be worthy for the place." Ryujin challenge taking the ball by the feet casually running away from Minjeong

In Fast Reflex, Minjeong chase after the Captain, casually running towards her, a little bit faster than ryujin

Ryujin was stunned when she found Minjeong in front of her, casually Taking the ball out of her feet

"Wow!" The Boys team was shocked with how Minjeong was fast

Ryujin ran after, and the both of them are blocking each other because of the ball, Minjeong kicked front and fastly moved away from ryujin before aiming the Ball to the Opponents Base

"Damn!" Ryujin was amazed because the blocker stand no one to Minjeong's kick since the ball just sprint its way

"You are definitely in our team!" Ryujin Ruffled Minjeong's hair in which Minjeong felt so cringe but it was okay.

"Practice is too early." Both Girls and Boys Team stared at The owner of the voice

"Ey Yo President Yoo!" Choi Soobin, The Captain Ball of The Boys Team called for the president in which the others chuckled

The Soccer team are like the losers in school, although they got the looks but they stand no one compared to the other Sports team

Because they don't have a good coach.

"Why still practicing when you can't win against the Baseball team." Giselle just have to diss Them

"Ignore them." Ryujin muttered before pouting

In which Made Minjeong Cringe

'definitely not a sight to see!' Minjeong faked vomit

"We need our slave!" Heeseung smirked looking straight to Minjeong

"Slave?" They all stared at Minjeong

"I'll be back." Minjeong declared before stepping out to show herself to the Royalties

"That's a harsh punishment? Heard she just helped a scholar." Ryujin went to her Co Captain which was Hyunjin who also shrugged

"You know how secretive Karina when it comes to Punishment, its not about how hard the violation is, its about how Karina Reacted to the violation."

"Maybe Karina didn't like the idea of Winter stepping in."

"Maybe? But who knows? What's important is that we got our self a Good Member."

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