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For The love's sake

- No One

"Let go of her Heeseung." It was Yeonjun who's making a Warning

"Chase her Karina." Yeji smiled at her friend, trying to break heeseung's Grip

Minjeong exited after her performance

"she ain't in love with her!" Heeseung grab Karina once again pulling her close to him

"Heeseung. We all know the truth." Hyunjin was pulling Heeseung, but His drunk so His no use

"No! Karina you said You don't." Heeseung this time with pleading eyes


"Why Not say it now Rina. What you truly feels toward Minjeong. Towards Winter." Yuna join the gathering

And right after Yuna said that, it was Karina who is afraid.

She took a deep breath, she ain't ready for this confession. but for Minjeong, For Winter. she will

"Make sure to tell what's in your heart. Don't pity anyone because you can't love them back." Minju showed up looking at them with her cold aura

"Minju-" but she immediately made an exit since she was holding Yujin

"Karina-" heeseung was so closed to crying

But what kind of person Karina Is if she chooses Heeseung over Herself and Minjeong again.

"I- I Love Her." Yuna smiled sadly at what Karina has finally Admitted

Not just to them but to everyone whose listening to their convo

"I love her."

"Right. Now go and chase her." Karina look at Yuna before hugging her

"Thank You."

The Night of Minjeong's Ice skating with Yuna

Laughter filled the whole rink, Karina knew it was Minjeong's and Yuna's, even tho she stand no chance at complaining,she won't  deny she's jealous.

minjeong used to laugh and smile because of her and only her.

but who  is she to complain,when in  fact she's also the one who removed Minjeong's happiness.

Karina sat on the farthest chair in the stadium, no one would see her there, but she can see everything from there

how Yuna would hold Minjeong whenever she's trying new tricks and laugh whenever they fall

or how Yuna would just purely admire Minjeong while the other is trying to run on the rink

or maybe how Minjeong  pay attention to Yuna and copy her after then they would smile at each other

looking down,Karina knew that whatever decision she will make will affect the both of them, and the least of her want is to make both of them sad at the end.

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