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Soccer Team

- Karina Yoo

The sound of my heels clicking on the floor satisfy me, It's 5pm and Everyone is still at their own Extra curricular time

It actually ends at 7 Pm

So hallways like this are empty, if not then detention is waiting.

First of all, I have no interest in Sports other than swimming. But I have my Interest on Kim Minjeong.

After i witnessed how close both her and Yuna earlier, i really thought of anything to watch That freaking cold stone 24/7

And i made the decision to watch over the soccer team, since Minjeong is a new Member, she has to do extra time to practice

I also contacted too many coach to find the right one for the team, at least i need to improved the team's laziness

My Heels step on the Grassy field, the clouded Sky matches the Strong Windy weather

"Yah President Yoo is here." I know that person, Choi Soobin, Captain of Boys Soccer team, an Introvert but is crazy, not that sporty build but tall as mountain.

"Get Your shits together." That one is Jake Sim, Australian Exchanged student, a very soft boy but yet too sweet to fight.

"Stand Up." Nishimura Riki, Niki in other, Tall also, Japanese, A competitive person but is too engrossed with self beauty, Just like Jay.

"Why do we need to Behave. We are practicing." Ahn Yujin, Is tall but dumb, sometimes she just want to skip all the class she have

"Shut up dog." Kim Hyunjin, your typical Girl crush, but she smokes

"get it together, she's observing us." Shin Ryujin Girl's soccer team Captain, is playgirl and also the natural Girl Crush, she's not bad but not good either, she focus on herself more than the team.

"We should bow?" Nakamura Kazuha, also a Japanese member. She's elegant but deserve more in ballet

Then Kim Minjeong, my pick to be a captain.

There's a favouritism

But wait. Why are they only 13 members? And mixed genders??

"Coach Choi made them quit." As if Minjeong could read my mind she answered

So we will have a mix gender soccer team?!

"I think i need to discuss this with Coach Choi." I said to them in which they just stared at me completely doesn't care

"You go President." So, she won't accompany me?!

After accompanying Yuna?!

Well i guess she has her own favouritism!

Why am i even reacting like this? What happened to us ended 6 months ago.

We ruined her so bad...... Right?

But why do i feel nothing but just wanting her?

Winter kim... The ever Beautiful Star i have my eyes laid of.

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