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First Love

- No One

6 PM

"Join me?"

Never in Minjeong's whole Life she thought she will slip many times in the ice rink

Now, Shin Yuna were no help because the lady just kept on laughing while Minjeong is dying to just stand up at the rink

"You know what Yuna? You made me more stressful than usual!" Minjeong glared

"Sorry, i- i pfft* your face is so funny when you fell." Yuna continued to laugh

"Well miss Figure skater, if we play Soccer i'll laugh at you when you struggle!" Minjeong said, Before grabbing the Handle at the side of the rink

Coughing and tearing up after her laughter, Yuna skate to Follow Minjeong, who were now training herself to Balance

"Just Don't look down, looking down will make you fall." Yuna said

Minjeong were too focus to even understand whatever Yuna was Blubbering, after all she laughed At her.

"See! I told you not to look down." Minjeong tried to skate in the middle but ended up slipping, good thing Yuna made her wear safe gears

Yuna Picked Minjeong up, Holding both her Arms, positioning her feet

"Now look around or look at me just ignore the ground." Yuna said more calm this time

"Try to drag your skate." Minjeong did what She was told.

"Okay, now let's try it together." Yuna was Skating backwards while Minjeong were still Unstable with her skating

She smiled when minjeong finally picked up the Technique

"See! You're doing it!" Yuna said when Minjeong finally had her First Success skate, without trembling

"Ha! This is fun!" Minjeong exclaimed Smiling at the feeling of cool breeze

She was doing fine, not when Yuna was starting to Loosen her hold

"Yah! Don't!" Minjeong threatend, trembling once again

"Just remember, don't look down and Feel more confident." Yuna said encouraging Minjeong who was holding onto her tightly

"Let go now Minjeong. I Got Your back if you fall again." Yuna said sincerely smiling Minjeong

With heavy breaths, Minjeong slowly loosen her grip to Yuna

Yuna give Her a smile when she completely let go and stand Still in the middle of the rink

"Now try Here... Come here." Yuna skate her way 7 meters away from Minjeong

"You're so far Yuna!" Minjeong complain

"Just Try!" Yuna Were so close losing patience

"O-okay.... I'll go now.. make sure to catch me." Minjeong said

Taking a deep breath.

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