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Hey everyone welcome to a new story it's called medium living with Youtubers it's gonna be a TFIL imagine but before writing chapter one I decided to why not just introduce the characters. I have thought about writing this story for a while now and I hope you guys enjoy medium living with YouTubers! 🥰 ps if you don't know what a medium is a medium is a person who sees spirits and hears them that other people can't I myself is a medium. anyways here is the characters!

 anyways here is the characters!

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Colby Brock as himself

Colby Brock as himself

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SamGolbach as himself

 CoreyScherer as himself

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CoreyScherer as himself

 CoreyScherer as himself

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JakeWebber as himself

JakeWebber as himself

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Aaron doh as himself

EltonCastee as himself

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EltonCastee as himself

CorbinReinhardt as himself

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CorbinReinhardt as himself

CorbinReinhardt as himself

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BrandonGross as himself

BrandonGross as himself

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Hailey as herself

Medium living with YouTubers Where stories live. Discover now