Chapter one

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{ hey guys welcome to chapter one of Medium living with YouTubers this is a new story and as I mentioned in the introduction I have thought about writing a story like this but before I could write it I always wanted to make sure that I can always come up with some ideas so I hope you guys enjoy chapter one of medium living with YouTubers 🥰 }

< Hailey's P.O.V >
I toke a deep breath in before knocking on the front door of what's gonna be my house to live in the front door opened and revealed a guy with a beard. I smile softly " Hi I am Hailey I am gonna be living here with you and your roommates " I said to the guy with the beard. " oh yeah Hailey I contacted you I'm Elton by the way welcome to the trap house! " Elton said to me and I smiled softly again. " nice to meet you elton " I said to Elton while shaking his hand " here come on in and I will introduce you to my roommates " Elton said to me before moving out of the way for I can come in. I went inside and elton showed me around when Elton got done showing me around we came back downstairs to see 5 guys sitting on the couch in the living room. the 5 guys looked at me one had a man bun, one with blonde hair, one with faded purple hair, one with black hair, and one with brownish hair. " hey uncle Elton who's this? " the one with the man bun said to Elton. " this is Hailey your new roommate she is going to be living with us " Elton said to the guy with the man bun. the guy with the man bun smiled at me " Hi I'm corey " Corey said to me " hi I Sam " Sam said to me. " hi I am Jake " Jake said to me " hi I am Aaron " Aaron said to me. I looked at the last guy with the faded purple hair he had blue eyes with some tattoos not gonna lie he is fine. Sam elbowed him to get him to introduce himself to me and I couldn't help but to giggle. " hi I am Colby " Colby said to me and I smiled " nice to meet you guys " I said to them while smiling. " Hailey you can sit down if you want, make yourself at home " Corey said to me and I smiled and walked over to the bean bag. I sat down on the bean bag and not gonna lie it was pretty comfy. " so Hailey what do you do? " Sam asked me and I smiled at Sam " I am a medium I can see spirits and also hear them I can also detect their energy " I said to Sam and Elton sat down on the other bean bag. " oh that's cool how long did you see spirits? " Colby asked me " about 2 years now almost 3 " I said to Colby. " when did you start seeing spirits? " Elton asked me " I started seeing spirits when I was 19 years old at first they were like a light and now they are fully human shapes with light surrounding them " I said to Elton. " so how old are you now? " Colby asked me " I am now 21 years old " I said to Colby. " so would you say that you are special? " Corey asked me " well I wouldn't call myself special I would call myself gifted with a special ability " I said to Corey. " gotcha that makes sense because I thought that normally when I see a medium that they are special but that does make a lot of sense I will remember this next time when I see a medium " Corey said to me and I smiled. " I have a question? " Colby said to me " go ahead ask your question " I said to Colby " we are YouTubers and we go to haunted places and we keep on saying entities but our fans would comment saying spirits not entities why do they keep on saying that? " Colby asked me. " well we call them spirits because they generally don't like it when you call them entities so I would always call them spirits instead of entities " I said to Colby. " oh okay thank you " Colby said to me " your welcome " I said to Colby we continued talking and get to know each other I am starting to enjoy living here.......... to be continued

{ hey guys I hope you guys enjoyed chapter one of medium living with YouTubers I am so sorry that it is short I promise that there will be a longer chapter if you guys enjoyed chapter one of my story please vote and let me know if you want me to continue this story! I love you guys! ❤️}

Total words: 808

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