Chapter two

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{ hey guys welcome back to medium living with YouTubers chapter two! I hope you guys are enjoying medium living with YouTubers if you are please vote 🥰 Anyways enjoy chapter two of medium living with YouTubers! }

< Hailey's P.O.V >
It's been one day since I moved into the Traphouse not gonna lie it's been pretty chaotic ever since Corey announced a prank war. who knew living with YouTubers can be this chaotic and fun at the same time. I was peacefully sleeping when I heard a loud piercing sound almost like an air horn. I jumped up and fell off my bed landing face first on my bedroom floor. " Ouch " I said while still laying down on my bedroom floor, I heard sounds of laughter I got up from my floor and saw Sam and Colby I looked at the clock on my nightstand and groaned when I saw it read 6:12 in the morning. I am not an morning person or fan of being waken up early in the morning. " you guys are lucky that I am in a good mood and being nice to you guys " I said to them. " sorry Hailey but Elton wanted you to come downstairs and meet some people " Colby said to me and I smiled softly at the mention of meet some people. I am always a little bit shy meeting with some new people that I haven't met before. I wasn't shy when I met Elton's roommates because he told me a head of time before I moved into the Traphouse. I appreciated him telling me a head of time because honestly if he didn't I would have been anxious and shy at the same time. Sam and Colby left my bedroom and closed my bedroom door back I decided to get dressed for today I picked out a send it society crop top that says conquer and repeat send it along with some Raw hem strap detail denim shorts.

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I got dressed and put on my socks and sneakers

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I got dressed and put on my socks and sneakers. I went to my bathroom and turned on the light, I hissed at the bright light since it is early in the morning. I grabbed my hair brush and brushed my hair putting my hair up in a bun after I was done with my hair I put on my makeup. I decided to go for a natural look not something to crazy or to bright.

Once I was done with my makeup I put on some fake eyelashes I picked out my SWINGINGHAIR Mink Lashes, 3D mink Eyelashes 19mm

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Once I was done with my makeup I put on some fake eyelashes I picked out my SWINGINGHAIR Mink Lashes, 3D mink Eyelashes 19mm.

Once I was done putting on my fake Eyelashes I put on my Candy K by Kylie Jenner lip gloss

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Once I was done putting on my fake Eyelashes I put on my Candy K by Kylie Jenner lip gloss. That's the only thing that I loved about myself my natural plump lips and of course my eyes, my eyes are hazel mixed with blue like whenever I am happy they stay hazel but whenever I am sad they turn blue. I didn't know why they do that but I just find it a cool feature. Once I was done I looked in the mirror I smiled softly satisfied with my look, I put away my makeup and turned off my bathroom light and walk out of my bedroom. I walked downstairs seeing Elton, Corey, Colby, Sam, Jake, Aaron and 3 other guys who I don't recognize. One with a Tempest tank top on, one with tattoos on his right arm, and one with brown hair with brown eyes. I am gonna admit that they are pretty fine, I picked my fingers nervously seeing 3 new people who I haven't met before. Elton must have noticed that I was nervous because he came up to me and put his hand on my hands signaling me to stop picking my fingers. Elton walked me over to the gaming room causing everyone to look up including the other 3 guys who I haven't met before. of course me being the shyest person/ nervous I am, I hide behind Elton " Hailey it's okay, Hailey I want you to meet Corbin, Brennen, and Brandon my friends " Elton said to me and I came out from behind Elton and I waved at them and I went back behind Elton. " Corbin, Brennen, and Brandon meet Hailey our new roommate she is shy when she meets new people so it might take her a little bit to get used to you guys " Elton said to Corbin, Brennen and Brandon. They nodded their heads at Elton " hey Hailey it's okay we won't hurt you we just want to meet you we heard a lot about you from Elton and them " Corbin said to me. I couldn't help but to softly smile when Corbin said that they heard a lot about me from Elton and the others. I came out from behind Elton and I walked over to the couch and sat next to Colby and Corey. Turns out Corbin Brennen and Brandon wasn't so bad after all we got to know each other Corbin has a trampoline park named Tempest and does crazy things for a living............. to be continued

{ hey guys I hope you guys enjoyed chapter two of medium living with YouTubers I know it's a short chapter but I promise there will be a longer chapter soon ❤️ I love you guys }

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