Chapter three - The Queen Mary part 1

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{ hey guys welcome back to medium living with YouTubers chapter three! I hope you guys are enjoying medium living with YouTubers as much as I am! I hope you guys enjoy chapter three of medium living with YouTubers!! Also Evan will be joining in on this chapter and probably the rest of the book! 🥰 }

< Hailey's P.O.V >
Today me, Elton, Corey, Colby, and Sam is going to the Queen Mary I ain't never been but I heard a lot about it. I got dressed because Elton told me that they are going to be filming a YouTube video on his TFIL channel. I was wearing send it society black hoodie along with black jeans, something I thought I never I could see me wearing black was never my favorite color but I admit it looks pretty damn good on me. I put on my socks and my sneakers and I grabbed my phone I looked myself in the mirror before I went downstairs, I decided to just leave my hair down but I brought a hair tie just in case. I went downstairs and saw Elton,Corey, Colby, and Sam waiting for me. " hey Hailey you ready to go? " Elton asked me I smiled softly " yeah I am ready to go " I said to Elton. We walked out the door of the Traphouse Elton following behind me being the last person to close the door of the Traphouse. We somehow managed to squeeze into Elton's car, Elton driving Sam in passenger seat, Corey by the window on the right side me in the middle because I am the smallest out of all of them and Colby beside me. Corey was given the AUX cord and he started playing I write sins not tragedies by panic at the disco. I gasp in excitement making all of the boys look at me " this is my song!!! " I said making the boys chuckle at me. I began singing along all the boys started singing with me. We soon arrived at the Queen Mary Elton parked the car and turned it off we all got out and I see a guy with a camera in his hands walking towards us. " hey Evan you made it! " Elton said to Evan " Evan meet Hailey, Hailey meet Evan he is our camera man Evan this is Hailey our new roommate she is a medium who can detect spirits and sees them and hears them " Elton says to Evan. Evan smiles at me and I smiled back at him " hi nice to meet you " Evan said to me. " nice to meet you to " I said to Evan they started recording their YouTube video and introduce me to their viewers and they explained what I do we soon started walking towards the entrance of the Queen Mary. once we reached inside I already felt a lot of Energy but one particular energy stood out to me. " That's odd " I said we were in the lobby and the boys stopped and looked at me. " what's wrong Hailey? " Corey asked me " I feeling a present of a little girl named- " I paused for a moment till the little girl came back to me. " Jackie about 5 or 6 years old died in the second class swimming pool her full name is Jacqueline Torin but she would rather be Called Jackie " I said to them they all stared at me in shocked " do you know where she is standing? " Evan asked me I looked around me and spot a little girl who looked just like Jackie. " i do know where she is standing, she is standing at the doors of the second class swimming pool she spotted me but she doesn't seem scared she seems rather sad " I said to them as I felt this sudden sadness come to me. I started to fan myself with my hands because tears were treating in my eyes the boys looked at me still in shocked " sorry guys Jackie is making me emotional " I said to them while still faning myself................. to be continued

{ hey guys I hope you guys enjoyed chapter three of medium living with YouTubers I know it's short but I promise there will be a long chapter I meant to post this part last night but I fell asleep so I am posting this early in the morning I love you guys ❤️ }

Total words: 733

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