Chapter five - Queen Mary part 3

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{ hey guys welcome back to medium living with YouTubers chapter five. This is gonna be the finale of the Queen Mary series I promise it will all make sense of why it's so haunted but yeah I hope you guys enjoy chapter five of medium living with YouTubers. 🥰 }

Recap: we then toke out the K-2 meter, spirit box, and the cat balls and toke them with us.

< Hailey's P.O.V >
we toke out the K-2 meter, the spirit box , and the cat balls and toke them with us. We began walking to the boiler room as we got further down to the bottom of the ship I felt really bad energy and so much anger. I didn't know how to explain it really but all I know is that the further we go the more bad energy I sense. When we are walking I felt a man's presence he started talking to me ( as I said before Hailey can hear and see spirits Thats how she talked to the spirit through the spirit box. ). " hey guys I am getting something " I said to them, they all stopped walking including me. " what are getting Hailey? " Corey asked me " I feel a man's presence was there a guy that was crushed by watertight door? " I asked them. " i believe so hold on let me look it up " Corey said to me, he got out his phone and looked up a man crushed in a watertight door on the Queen Mary. " yeah there was but there was a lot of men who died on this ship so it couldn't be him? " Corey said to me. " was his name John Pedder? " I stopped for a minute till the man came back to me. " age 18 and died in 1966 by a watertight door also known as door number 13? " I said to them they were shocked. " is he normally seen in a white boiler suit and sometimes looks for a wrench? " I asked them. " holy shit it is him! " Corey said to me " what is he saying hailey? " Sam said to me. " he wants to speak to us maybe he will give us answers of why the Queen Mary is haunted " I said to them. " okay well let's get set up and turn on the spirit box " Elton said to me and I nodded my head, we got set up and Elton turned on the spirit box. " is there anyone here with us? " Elton asked the spirit box ' yes ' the spirit box said. " John Pedder if you want to talk to us you can talk to us through this device here in the middle of the floor. " Corey said to the spirit box. ' Hey ' the spirit box said I then asked him a question. " John Pedder I am very sorry for your tragic death. Nobody shouldn't have died that way, do you like it here at the Queen Mary? " I asked the spirit box. ' it's okay ' and ' yes ' the spirit box said " you have a lot of people who loves you, you get greeted by a lot of people do you love getting a lot of love by people? " I asked the spirit box. ' it's nice ' the spirit box said " we have a question for you " I said to the spirit box. ' go ahead ' the spirit box said " we want to know why the Queen Mary is haunted maybe you can tell us why it's so haunted? " I asked the spirit box. ' vortex ' ( The vortex is believed to be a portal through which spirits enter the physical world from the spiritual realm to appear as either orbs or apparitions ) the spirit box said " do you know where the vortex is located at on the Queen Mary? " I asked the spirit box ' pool ' the spirit box said. " wait how can that work? As a portal? " Corey said to me " well water is almost like a mirror, because you can also see your reflection in the water almost like a mirror. mirrors and water surfaces – were portals to spiritual worlds. " I explained to Corey and Corey nodded. " thank you John Pedder for talking to us and telling us why the Queen Mary is haunted. We appreciate it so much " I said to the spirit box ' your welcome ' the spirit box said. Elton turned off the spirit box " you know what's sad? " I said to them " what's sad Hailey? " Elton said to me. " spirits are always living in a reoccurring loop, like a carousel. So they are basically living in reoccurring loop when they died so basically they are trapped living in a reoccurring loop and keeps reoccurring their death. " I said to them. " that is sad I mean their death keeps on repeating till they are finally unstuck " Elton said to me. " I do believe that John Pedder is stuck in the loop and I also do believe that the rest of the spirits here are to. that's why I think that they are constantly angry because they keep on living on their last moments before they died. " I said to them. " it makes sense though anyways you guys ready to leave the Queen Mary? " Elton asked us " yeah let's go home " Corey said to Elton and we packed up our things and left the Queen Mary................. to be continued

{ hey guys I hope you guys enjoyed chapter five of medium living with YouTubers. I also hope you guys enjoyed the finale of the Queen Mary! I love you guys 🥰 }

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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