Chapter four - Queen mary part 2

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{ hey guys Welcome back to medium living with YouTubers chapter four! this is Queen Mary part 2 I recommend reading the part 1 because I will be adding some stuff that would make a lot of sense and I know that some people would skip to go on the next chapter I am not calling people out but I know some people would do that anyways I hope you guys enjoy chapter four of medium living with YouTubers! 🥰 }

Recap: " sorry guys Jackie is making me emotional " I said to them while still faning myself.

< Hailey's P.O.V >
" Sorry guys Jackie is making me emotional " I said to them while still faning myself with my hands. " it's okay Hailey we understand where is Jackie at now? " Corey said to me, I looked around again to find Jackie but she disappeared. " she disappeared so I don't know where she is at now " I said to Corey and Corey nodded. we started walking to the front desk to get us a room they were talking to the front desk lady about this place being haunted or do you have any paranormal experiences. she wouldn't exactly tell us anything but she did tell us that it is haunted we grabbed the hotel key and walked to our hotel room. " okay so we got room b340 which is the most haunted room on the Queen Mary people have been scratched, pulled, doors been slamming shut and sinks turning on all by themselves so tonight we have the entire ship by ourselves " Elton said to the camera Elton opened up the hotel room and Colby went in first then Sam, then Corey then Me. Elton closed the hotel room door and I explored the hotel room I noticed a box on the coffee table. I went over to it and immediately felt bad vibes " hey guys what is inside this box? " I asked them. " that box there has some toys in it like an Ouija board, Crystal ball, Terret cards, and etc " Elton said to me. " no wonder why I felt bad vibes please tell me that we ain't gonna do those " I said to Elton his face gave me the answer I was looking for. I sighed completely fixing to regret what I am about to say " fine I will join you guys but if I get possessed I am haunting you guys " I said to Elton immediately regretting my decision.

- a few minutes later -
It was now 12:00 midnight we decided that we are gonna use the Ouija board and the spirit box. it was completely dark in our hotel room the only light we had was from candles. we started to ask the spirit questions like is there anyone hear with us it immediately went to yes. " Whats your name? " Sam asked it. " ZOZO " the spirit box said I was already not liking this " did that just say ZOZO? " I asked Elton and he nodded. " Attach " the spirit box said " No you are not allowed to attach yourself to anyone in this room you can not follow us home " I said to the spirit box. " Mad " the spirit box said " Devil " the spirit box said " release me " again the spirit box said. " no we are not gonna release you, we came here to talk to you if you don't want to talk then leave you are not gonna attach yourself to anyone in this room or follow us home do I make myself clear " I said to the spirit box. it felt like that I was having an argument but with a demon who wants to attach its self to someone and who wants to be released. I was looking around the room when I saw a black figure standing by the bed. " is that you by the bed? " I asked the spirit box " yes " the spirit box said " are you the one that was scratching the people that stayed here? And pulled them off the bed? " I asked the spirit box " Yes " the spirit box said. " why did you scratch them and pulled them off the bed? " I asked the spirit box " angry " the spirit box said. " they made you angry? " I said to the spirit box " yes " the spirit box said " why did they make you angry? did they do something to make you angry? " I asked the spirit box. " made fun of family " the spirit box said " they made fun of your family? " I asked the spirit box " yes " the spirit box said. " I am sorry that happened no one should ever be made fun of or their family " I said to the spirit box it felt like this whole negative energy went away like the spirit was happy. it made me feel like that the spirit just wanted someone to talk to about their problems and like wanted someone to talk to in general but they had no communication to talk to them with. " it's okay " the spirit box said it almost felt like that you were actually talking to a human being like an alive person. " thank you for talking to us and showing yourself to us I appreciate it we are going to be exploring the rest of the ship is that okay with you we will us be staying in this room is that okay? if not we can leave? " I asked the spirit box. " your welcome " " it's okay " the spirit box said Elton turned off the spirit box " that was the most clearest conversation that we've ever had on the spirit box " Elton said to us. " that's how I always talk to them I would always wait for them to reply and I always tell them take your time there is no need to rush it always felt like that you are talking to an alive person that's why I love the spirit box because of the most clearest answers and conversations " I said to them we then toke out the K-2 meter and the spirit box and the cat balls and toke them with us............ to be continued

{ hey guys I hope you guys enjoyed chapter four of medium living with YouTubers part 3 of the Queen Mary will come out tomorrow! I love you guys ❤️ }

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