Chapter 3: Breakfast and the Cave

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Hi peepl. I am posting  quickly while mum drops off a friend of my sister's home and dad is in the other room watching TV I already wrote this earlier, but did not have time to post before the parentals almost caught me.  I did not update yesterday, sorry, but I was at my school prizegiving and I got two awards, one for progress in science and the other was the school award for computing, and they called me a budding Alan Turing in the making so am rather flattered. Sorry, got off on a tangent. Enjoy the chapter.

'WAKE UP NICO!' Nico woke up to Will throwing open the curtains of his cabin, leaving Nico blinking in the sunlight.

'WILL! Seriously, what time is it? And when did I give you permission to come in to my cabin?' complained Nico, for the first time not going red, being with Will.

'8:30am- I thought you would like to eat breakfast with me and you were not that concerned that you had not invited me in last night. As I remember, you fell asleep on my shoulder ;-).'Will just said this casually, but it was enough to make Nico pink. Oh well, he was never going to be able to keep that up for long anyway. This guy always made him blush.

'Fine Will I am getting up, just go, and I will *WILL I GOT WILL IN HERE AGAIN WHOOPEE! Sorry will stop now (Nope I*in Percy's voice* CANT STOP WONT STOP!!!) *see you at breakfast' replied an annoyed Nico.

Will laughed. He had a bright laugh, like the sun who he was the son of *PUN INTENDED PEEPS;-). OMGS I am going to die laughing at my own fanfic. Sorry on a crazy streak*

'Fine Neeks, I will*I DID IT AGAIN (inset trumpet fanfare)* see you in the pavilion in five'


'Sure Neeks' Teased Will as he jogged out the door, leaving a grumbling, but secretly pleased Nico behind him.

Time skip courtesy of Dakota being addicted to Kool-aid*SOLANGELO FANS IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE HADES I AM TALKING ABOUT RE READ THE BOOKS 100 TIMES! J*

In the pavilion, Nico grabbed some food and sat down at the Hades, recently re-named big three table, alone(Percy was sparring with Jason, Hazel was at Camp Jupiter) and then a blonde son of Apollo plonked himself down beside Nico.

'Will- the-person-who-was-meant-to-help-me-train-the-younger-campers-is-unavailable –today-can-you-help-me-train-them-just-before-lunch?-You-just-need-to-spar-with-me-for-a-bit-and-I-will*YUS I DID IT AGAIN J*-then-use-me-disarming-YOU-to-show-them-how-to-disarm,' Said Nico quickly

'Not if I disarm You first Death Boy'*ok just for these purposes Pls just pretend that Will is good at sword fighting coz I know he is not but it serves a good purpose I promiseJ*Snarked Will*ok snarked is not a word it just seemed to fit so just roll with it Pls*'oh and I meant to ask you this anyway, but now seems to be a good moment to ask if you wanted to have a picnic lunch with me in the woods, after sword fighting training?'

Nico went a furious red. 'Of course Will what did you think? I'd have agreed to have lunch with Percy? Or Jason? It would be a waking nightmare- do you know how much the y tease me about-'Nico froze.

'Tease you about what, Nico?' Questioned Will

'Doesn't matter, Solace. See you for training. It is at 11:00.' Nico stalked off.

Time skip brought to you by Scylla and Charybdis *If you do not know these two, shame on you, re-read the Sea of monsters J thx*

In the arena, Nico, along with a crowd of about thirty kids, was waiting for Will. He was late. The Shining son of the sun god ran in, panting, and grabbed a celestial bronze sword. Nico glared at him.

'You are late Solace. We have been waiting FIVE MINUTES! Whatever happened to the punctual Will Solace we all know?'

'I got held up by my siblings, wanting to know where I was going.' Will excused himself.

FINE. Now, kids that our other trainer is FINALLY here, we will*WILL AGAIN MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*start training. Me and Will here are going to show you how to disarm an opponent.' And saying that, Nico turned to face Will, and Will turned to face him, and they began to spar. Will turned out to be fairly good for a son of Apollo, almost getting Nico's sword a few times. Finally, Nico cut up, caught Will's sword on his and twisted it around, effectively knocking it out of Will's hand. The kids cheered, and Nico began putting them into pairs. Him and Will stolled *HAHA Stolled geddit? No? Oh forget it.* around and helped kids to disarm their partners. There was one boy, who no matter how hard he tried always managed to get his sword knocked on the floor by the girl he was sparring with and she had a knife. That is until Nico showed him in slow motion, and he then knocked the girl's dagger out of her hands about five times in a row. Then the horn went for lunch, and all the kids ran off, to lunch, but Nico and Will , after Will dropped his sword on the sword rack, grabbed Nico's hand and headed off into the woods. Only one person saw where they went, but more about that later.

Will took Nico to a huge rock in the woods, that he had seen many times before, but he could not see any food or any hint that any would magically appear.

'Wait Neeks I swear there will be food in a second!

Hoodlums punch my face,

I would smite them if I could,

Mortality blows.'

Yes I know I just borrowed that from TOA and I said no TOA but I am NOT NOT KNOT using Apollo's Haiku from The Titan's Curse I am sorry, but it blows worse than this one. *

A cave opened up in front of them and Will pulled them in, just before the cave entrance slammed closed behind them. Then Nico locked around him and he gaped at what he saw.

HAHA readers cliff-hanger. I hate to be like Rick but I had to put that one in.

See you next chapter

A PJO Fangirl.😀

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