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OK. First thing, do not kill me for being offline for two weeks longer than planned.*Ducks thrown books and other solid objects.*  I was writing a new chapter on holiday but the parentals  was all like 'Its a family holiday stop going on the computer' then just putting it in  the bag with dad's computer which he was allowed to go on. HUMPHHH.

Then, I was  going to write this on Tuesday but my mum sent me on errands ALL DAY so I couldn't do it then. then I was busy for the rest of the week with clubs untill friay when I spent the day being forced to tidy by mum as we have my dad's friend who he hasn't seen for a while. then I have spent the past4 days with my dad's friend, unable to write because they have young kids and I do not want to  let them know about this. 

Anyway sorry sorry sorry do not kill me I am about to update for u guys. 

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