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"Shit!", you cursed and pulled your head in as another android's cables burned through. "Come on!"

Hanna popped her head into the office.

"What's wrong?", she asked, chewing on a cracker.

It didn't take long to notice that Hanna loved food. Especially anything that could be snacked easily. Whenever she had a free hand she'd snack something.

It had barely been more than a few hours of knowing her and she'd already given you a bunch of snacks you've never seen nor heard of before.

Annoyed, you let your head fall back and groaned.

"That stupid thing went off.", you growled. "Again."

"Smells like burned barbecue."

"Don't get any ideas. That stuff is highly poisonous. And it will melt your tongue."

Her eyes narrowed.

"Why do you know that?"

"Let's just say that someone I went to uni with tried...", you said and had to shake off a shiver. "And never did again after that. So, hear my words. DON'T TRY IT. Got it?"

The facial expression of Hanna was enough to know she got the message. She gave you a thumbs up, smiled and wanted to vanish again but stopped, turned on her heel and walked up to the table.

"You coming?", she asked and pulled out another candy bar that looked like diabetes as a shape.

You pointed at the android, burned and broken.

"I've got work to do.", you reminded her with a smirk. "God... that's the third in like an hour. I'll take a break after the next one."

You bend down to pick up the heavy shell made of plastic, aluminium and what not.

But Hanna grabbed your hands before they could start working and make time seem like a useless construct again.

"(Y/N)!", she gasped and forced herself to close to your face that it felt like a threat. "It's 2 in the morning. We need sleep. Please."

Confused, you frowned and threw a glance up to the clock.

"It's almost 3...", you mumbled. "Yeah... I think we should get going."

"Good decision."

"Don't make me regret it."

"Or what? You want to spent the night here?", she pointed out the window. "With them?"

A cold shiver crawled down your spine as your eyes fell onto the rows of androids, empty and a little threatening.

"No...", you snatched your coat and pushed her to the elevator. "Let's go. Let's go!"

Smirking, you opened the door to your new home and asked her in with a gesture.

"Aren't you living in the new apartment complex?", you asked and turned the lights on.

Soft, golden light filled the entrance area. The way it fell on the new furniture and clean walls made it look like this was a nice place to live in, or settle.

With big eyes and her hands shiver into the pockets of her jacket, Hanna raised her gaze to look at the decently high ceiling.

"Nah, I'm living with my dad.", she said while walking on into the kitchen. "He's in kinda rough condition now that mom is gone."

You let out a soft sigh.

"I'm sorry.", you breathed.

She turned around, a sarcastic smirk on her face.

"Oh, she's not dead. Just to me."

You sorted.

"Bad relationship?"

"Hell, she was... think about the worst traits, things that just make you think: this is a bad, rotten human. Something that deeply disgusts and annoys you."


"Now make it twice as worse."

"Aren't you exaggerating?"

"Now add the devil on top of it."


"That's my mom. But worse."

A soft huff escaped you.

You threw the jacket over a chair in the kitchen and walked up to the fridge.

"Beer?", you asked and offered her a can.

"Sure.", she snatched it. "You got snacks?"

"I've got... pickles."

Curious, she threw a glance over your shoulder into the fridge.

"That's empty.", she noted and looked at you in a concerned, sisterly way.

You shrugged and closed the door again.

"I just moved in. Yesterday.", you cracked a can for yourself. "Didn't have the time to go grocery shopping yet."

She snorted.

"Who still goes grocery shopping?", she asked and pulled out her phone to tap something in. "Just ask the androids to do it for you."

You frowned.


"Oh, did our boy Kamski didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"You do have a work phone, no?"

You pulled it out and showed her.

"This thin piece of nothing right here.", you smirked. "But it's just for work."

She shrugged and laughed.

"Well yeah, not starving is part of work.", she noted and started going through your phone before finding what she was looking for. "Here. That's the app to request an android. Headquarters will send you one. Or it will do what you want it to do. Like unnecessary shopping."

She pointed at an icon that you had tried to avoid for the longest time, because it looked hella suspicious and a little frightening.

"Does it cost money?", you asked. "I'm not planning on sacrificing my pay check."

Grinning, she rolled her eyes.

"Did you even read your contract?", she asked and passed you the phone back to take a huge sip of the beer. "The company provides so many benefits."

"Oh yeah, I noticed.", you did a face as if you were in heaven. "Fully covered health care."

She hummed.

"Nothing the Europeans didn't do already."

"Hey, don't undermine the great success of our country America. After all we have freedom.", you joked.

"And Elijah Kamski.", she raised her beer. "Cheers to the god of androids and fully covered health care."

You laughed.

"Cheers to the man who makes me suffer already.", you chugged half the beer.

With a strangely curious gaze, Hanna eyed you for a moment before coming closer.

Confused, you tilted your head.

"You know, I've noticed you only use the female models for your work.", she started. "Do you want to copy Kamski's Chloe?"

You pulled a face.


"Then why don't you try a male model next?"

"I'd prefer not to."

"Why? You could make it look like someone you know and they'd live forever."

You heart pulled together.

"That's the problem..."

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