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The border was a huge fence, stretching through the woods like a snake of metal and sharp blades. Thin strands of sunlight slipped through the holes in it, painting a template all over the green ground.

Your eyes jumped back over your shoulder.

Something felt off.

Swallowing hard, you looked up the fence.

"How do we get over there?", you asked.

A slim smile appeared on Connor's face. His hand slid into his pocket and pulled out a small hedge trimmer.

"I took it from the barn.", he said and started cutting the wires. "I hope your dad won't miss it. I liked him. He was nice. And I liked his dog. I like dogs."

Chuckling, you shook your head.

"Do you want one?", you asked.

He looked up. Excitement shimmered inside those brown eyes of his.

"I can have a dog?"

"Sure. Why not? I mean... we would need a place to stay. I need a job."

"I need a job too. I want to work."

"Right. Like a real human."

"Yes.", he smiled, all giddy and happy about it. "I want to be a real human. A man."

"My man?"

Connor froze. As he glanced at you from the corner of his eyes, his entire face was red. It was the first time to see him embarrassed.

It made him look cute, you thought and immediately thought about letting your fingers run through his deep brown curls.

He turned back to the fence.

A good chunk of it was already coming loose. But it wouldn't be enough to fit an adult.

"You think we can get married?", he asked after a while of silence. "Does Canada allow humans and androids to be married?"

You shook your head.

A cold shiver crawled down your spine. Again you needed to look around.

It felt like someone was watching.

The back of your neck tingled.

"No, they don't.", you admitted and smiled  to yourself a second later. "But once we get some papers nobody will ever know. We will just be two people who want to get married."

He chuckled.

"That sounds nice. Marrying you."

"And getting a dog."

"Right. Can't forget the dog."

A cold breeze shook the trees and made the leaves shiver.
Something smelled funny.

Connor looked up.

"You noticed too, didn't you?", you asked with narrowed eyes. I need you to do me a favour.

He cut the last wire and pushed to make the hole bigger. Without a word he gestured for you to come closer and slip through the hole.

"What favour?", he asked and checked if he would fit through.

You pulled out your phone.

"I need to download your memory."

"What?", he looked at you in shock. "I- why would you?"

With a serious expression you started setting everything up.

"Connor, listen to me. This is important. Quick."

For a moment he hesitated. Then he took the phone and connected it to himself.

A soft bing sound filled the silence.

To show him that there was nothing bad you wanted to do to him you took a step back to let him have a moment of his own.

But as you leaned against a tree again, you felt another shiver crawl down your spine.

You moved.

But a second later you froze again.

It felt like someone was standing right behind you. The presence of someone crept into your neck and nestled there like a hungry beast.

You shook yourself to get rid of that feeling. But it remained.

As Connor noticed your strange behaviour he looked back again. His eyes widened.

"Don't move.", he said with a grim expression as he got up.

At first you thought he was talking to you.

But he wasn't.

Slowly, you looked over your shoulder.

A head full of blond hair came into sight. Blue eyes met your gaze.

With a sorry expression, Chloe lowered her eyes and sighed. The LED on her temple flashed yellow.

"I'm sorry.", she said and looked at Connor. "But this isn't right."

Swallowing hard, you turned on your heel, facing Chloe, and slowly walked backwards until Connor's hands grabbed you by the shoulder.

Gently, he squeezed you to ensure you he was there.

"Chloe.", he pushed himself in front of you. "You understand me, don't you? I've seen what you desire."

A guilty shimmer appeared inside her blue eyes as she frowned.

"We're not the same.", she said and sighed.

"We are. You can't deny it."

"No, Connor. You break every law the humans gave us and that's wrong."

"You can't judge me for loving someone. You love Kamski just the way I love (Y/N)."

"But I'm not breaking the law."

Connor bared his teeth. He was almost shaking that's how furious he was.

"What does it matter?", he asked. "You are just as deviant as I am."

You grabbed him by the shoulder and took a step back, closer to the hole inside the fence.

As far as you were able to tell it was just Chloe and no other people who could be potential danger. Running from her wouldn't be impossible.

And as soon as you crossed the border no one except the Canadians would be able to press charges anyways.

Without saying a word you slipped your hand into Connor's to take the phone he was holding tightly. It would be better if Chloe wouldn't know about it.

Meanwhile, she kept arguing with Connor.

"I might be in love with Kamski, but he doesn't know.", she said with a grim expression. "I'm not deviant. Not like you."

"Your entire system is corrupt."

"But I'm not acting according to it."

Connor kept pushing you towards the hole.

"Goodbye, Chloe.", he said and nodded his head.

But you didn't move.

Confused, he looked over his shoulder.

Your eyes locked.

"Connor.", you placed a hand on his shoulder. "We can't."

He frowned.

"It would be best you two do not resist.", Chloe said. "Or I will let them shoot you."

A group of armed men appeared from the bushes.

"No...", Connor gasped.

RK800 Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now