Help From An Unexpected Place

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Varian felt sick, very sick but he would not rest until he got his father out of the amber, no matter how hard the bitter cold wind blew the millions of snowflakes at high speeds he trudged on. He had to, if there was a way he could quickly alert the Princess from his lab he would do it but unfortunately no such device had been invented yet. He shivered under his thick winter coat, through his fourteen years living in Corona he could not remember the weather ever being this bad, sometimes it did snow a little after Yuletide but this, this was just ridiculous. That morning there was not a cloud in the sky then blizzard!
He panted heavily as he told himself over and over. "I will make you proud."

The Capital in Corona was absolute chaos, people running left and right gathering their loved ones and essential supplies as who knew how long the storm would rage on for? Where they would go he did not know, he did not care either, he grunted as he pushed his sore legs to move faster, his breath became louder as the ache in his chest tightened. All this pain and agony will be worth it when he is back in his dad's arms and hear those words he's been longing to hear all his life. "I'm proud of you."

People were so caught up in themselves they did not notice the young lad, struggling all alone in the vicious storm except one woman with two little girls, she was about to go after him but lost sight of him in the crowd.
He took a deep breath as he approached the castle entrance, he was about to knock on the door but changed his mind, she probably would not hear it and this was an emergency, besides she waltzed into his home with her friend uninvited. He grabbed a hold of the handle on the left door and yanked it open.

"Ay!" Pete jumped like a startled cat as a gust of icy cold wind blew into the hall. He shook his head, gripped his halberd, put on a stern expression as he looked down at the guy he was not familiar with. "Hey... Boy, you can't come in here!"
"What are you doing here?" Stan asked.
"I-I need to see R-Rapunzel!" Varian cried in sheer desperation, he knew these two they were not as up tight as most guards so he thought they would let it slide.
Pete rolled his eyes. "Everyone wants to see Rapunzel but they can't, incase you haven't noticed we have a freaking blizzard! She can't just drop everything for you!" He reached his hand out to grab him.
"No!" Varian yelled, with all his might, he pushed Pete away and ran down the corridor, he was not sure where she was so listened out for her voice or Cassandra's, those two were almost always together.
"Don't just stand there!" Pete shouted at Stan. "Help me!"
Stan grunted then followed after him, by the time they got there he was already with Rapunzel.
"Princess Rapunzel! Princess Rapunzel!" He cried as he ran towards one of the many rooms in the castle. He had never been so glad to see her, saved him time searching all around for her.

"I'm sorry... Princess... He ran straight past me," Pete panted a little as he stood beside her, he nodded to Stan to take Varian's other arm.
Rapunzel held her hand up to single for them to stop, she wanted to hear him out.
Varian panted heavily, his heart hammering in his chest, once he got his breath back he looked back at her, pleading for her help. "Rapunzel, my dad's in danger... You're the only one who can help, please!" He paused to take another breath. "You have to come to Old Corona with me... Now!"
Rapunzel was quiet, he was talking so fast, but she caught on it was something about his dad. Just when she thought things could not get worse, she supposed he thought the same. The guards, Cass and Nigel who all looked back at her for answer.
She took a hold of his arm and pulled him to one side to talk privately, although this did not do much to help. "What's wrong?"
"Rapunzel, please... The rocks, they're encasing my dad!" Varian explained as best he could but she was still confused, there was not time to tell her everything. "Come, come and see for yourself!" He was about to dash out of the castle again but the Princess was not moving. "I-I know you can help... You have a connection to these rocks!"
Rapunzel looked at him sadly, she thought her hands were tied, no way Nigel or Captain would allow her to go through that nightmare blizzard. She had to organise an evacuation, she had to take care of all of these people. "V-Varian... I want to help you but not right now."

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