Chapter Nineteen

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Nancy walked around and finally found the spot pictured in her aunt's wedding photo. In this area, she found a small dog statue in what used to had been a flower bed. After getting a better look at the object, she commented "Must have just been added for decoration." Just then she heard a branch snap nearby.

"Ned is that you sweetie?" she asked nervously, realizing that was a bad place to be alone. If she screamed would Ned be close enough to hear? She stood completely still and listened closely. It sounded like someone was close and somewhere to the right of her.

Too not alarm whatever that was, Nancy acted calm and walked behind a wall to give her some cover. Going around to the other end of the wall she pretended to still be taking pictures.  "It's just a forest animal. calm down girl." she thought to herself. 

There began to be a low rusting sound from the other side of the barrier. Nancy made a daring move by peeking at the creature. She was shocked to get a  glimpse of a man hiding in the foliage. This was her chance get away, she just had to be brave. Taking a deep breath and holding her camera, firmly in her hand, Nancy turned on the bright camera flash.

Stepping out from behind the wall she yelled, "Hey you!", at the stalker at the same time hitting the flash button repeatedly. This blinded the man momentary causing him to shield his eyes. Nancy made sure to get a good look at him before taking off. She was running in the direction she had last seen Ned in hopes of getting to safety. The man started to give chase but was slowed by a slight limp. 

Hearing the man coming after her, Nancy yelled for her boyfriend. After running through the forest for a while she caught sight of Ned up head and yelled once more. The young man met up with Nancy and cupped the girl's frightened face in his steady hands. 

"What happened?" he asked feeling very concerned. 

"Ned, I'm being chased by a strange man!" she replied in tears before looking backward. Thankfully there was no one else in sight for the moment.

 "It's going to be alright Nancy. I have got you." He said soothingly while holding her tight in a tender embrace. Just then they heard a great racket coming from nearby. They caught sight of the man just before he darted behind a large thicket.

"THAT IS HIM!" she yelled out in fear.

Ned paused only to handed her a set of keys from his pocket.  "Nancy take my keys and hide in the car!" he dared to demanded before dashing off after the man.

"No, I want to help!" Nancy said trying to argue as she followed after her boyfriend.

"HECK NO! Get to safety, I'll be alright!" Ned shouted over his shoulder, just before disappearing from sight.

It took a moment for Nancy's senses to come back to her. Once they did, she dashed back to the road. Nancy was so upset that she dropped the keys while trying to unlock the car door, however, the second try was a success. 

After getting inside and locking the door she was at a loss of what to do. She knew the man had to be in his forties and had a small looking frame. According to logic, Ned should be able to overtake him without too much trouble.  What if there were others hiding somewhere in the woods. They could possibly kill Ned! "No don't think that way!" she said while shaking her head from side to side in an attempt to clear her thoughts. 

"This is taking forever! Maybe some music will help distract me." she said while switching on the radio. "Help," by the Beatles was playing on the radio and it did at least seem to lessen her anxiety. As sat there in the automobile. a rustling could from behind the car. Slowly Nancy turned her head only to have her eyes grow huge from fright. Two huge black wolves were circling the vehicle, acting as if she was prey! 

Bonus Files:

The Beatles were an English band formed in 1960. In 1963, their enormous popularity emerged as "Beatlemania." The Beatles are the best selling band in history, with estimated sales of over 800 million physical and digital albums worldwide.

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