Chapter Twenty-two

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"This is so much fun!" Nancy exclaimed while riding a beach cruiser bike around Steven Park. Along beside Nancy, rode her cute college boyfriend, Ned Nickerson.

"Yeah, this idea was a stroke of pure genius. I get to spend time with my favorite girl and get some much-needed exercise as well." Ned announced as he raced along. "All the studying for my exams over the last few weeks have not left me with much time to get outside and enjoy myself," Ned said as he wore a charming grin.

"How did you do on the exams anyway?" asked Nancy as she pulled off the gravel pathway, to rest for a moment.

"I passed with an A -. I am so glad to only have two more years of college left. Then my real life can start. "

"I can believe that," replied Nancy as took a sip of water, before offering Ned the bottle.

Ned greedily gulped down half the bottle before pouring the rest of the cool water over his head. "Nancy, I challenge you in a race from right here by the entrance to the statue on the other end of the park!"

"You are on pretty boy! I will not go easy on you this time!" Nancy boasted while smiling smugly. "Let us just make sure we do not get too caught up in this. Remember that the movie starts in just over an hour and we don't want to be late." Nancy reminded him with a wink.

Ned rolled his eyes at his ginger babe. "Alright, I'll take you out to eat before the movie but whoever loses has to buy the cherry sodas!" he added, just before prepping to take off.

"No, whoever loses has the buy the sodas and the dessert." laughed Nancy.

"After all that ice cream we had earlier?" Ned asked as he gave her a questioning look. The boy shrugged his shoulders before adding, "All right then, I hope you brought your wallet! On your mark get set.... GO!"

They both took off at high speed with Ned ahead with a narrow lead. Nancy wished that she had spent more time working out because she was really feeling the burn in her calf muscles. Then a bright light caught her eye from the right. It was the sun reflecting off the placid blue lake and it looked very stunning.

For a moment she was lost in thought, allowing Ned to get even further ahead. As she snapped back to reality she fussed, "UGGHHH! How can he be this far ahead already? Yikes!" Nancy took a sharp turn on the biking trail too quickly and failed to see a little girl riding along with her father. There was no enough room for her to stop with the brakes.

Panicking, she took a sharp turn the right which sent her in to the cold lake. Thankfully the water was shallow and only up to her knees. "Oh man, I got myself wet!" she mumbled while walking the bike back on to the trail. "I guess this is what I get for being so competitive."

"My only chance to win is to really kick it into high gear!" the teen said as she pushed herself hard to catch back up with Ned. Ten minutes later Nancy crossed the halfway mark which was the top a large hill. From up here the young girl had a better view of the area and noticed how far behind she had fallen behind Ned. The only way she could win was by using short cuts.

"Maybe if I cut through that clearing over there by the flower beds and make a sharp right before the fountain I can make it." Nancy thought. The trail she was on took a safer route down the large hill but if she veered off of it and went straight that should give her a quick boost. So Nancy maneuvered the bike under the rope fence and then went right over to the edge of the hillside.

Looking down it seemed sort of scary but Nancy knew she could handle it. She took one deep breath in and tried to move but fear held her still. "Come on I have faced far more dangerous situations then this many times before! I can do this."

Taking one more deep breath she closed her eyes and pushed off. Seconds later she opened them. Nancy had to be going close to thirty miles an hour and it was really exciting! "Oh no, there is a slight jump at the bottom! Gonna have to slow down just a little! I have less control when moving this fast!" She squeezed down slightly on the hand breaks and made the jump! Standing up on the bike and holding tight to the handle bars she made the landing.

With the momentum still in her favor, Nancy hardly had to peddle along and quickly reached the clearing. Taking the short cut through some empty flowered beds slowed her down. Now going at around eighteen miles an hour, she made a dash towards the fountain and made the turn. Cutting back onto the bike path she was now all most neck to neck with Ned. He wore an expression as if he was saying "WOW! Where did you come from?"

Both of them were very tired and worn out, as they reached the stature. With one last surge of energy from Nancy, it ended a close tie.

"WOW! You sure did give a run for my money! Nancy you are amazing." the young man exclaimed while panting for air.

"You are quite the athlete yourself, Mr. Captain of the football team," Nancy replied, elbowing him in the side.

"Are you still up for dinner and the movie after all this?" Ned asked.

"Yeah, but let us rest here just a little while longer. I don't mind missing the opening credits."

"Sure anything for you. We wasted around thirty minutes so we have about forty to get to the show. "Ned said while he wound his wristwatch.

"We better get going then. Or we will have to make new plans." the young girl said while standing up.

"Even if we did miss the show it would be that bad. Any time spent with you is special and something to treasure," he said while looking into her eyes.

"That is a pretty good line, Ned," Nancy replied. "I bet you say that to all the girls."

"I really mean it Nancy!" he exclaimed with a hurt look.

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