Chapter Two

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Nancy went into her father's office and picked up the antique, black rotary phone before calling one of her best friends, Bess Marvin. The two girls had known each other longer then they could even remember and had been the real close to each other since grade school.

"Nancy I'm so glad you called. I have this guy that's perfect for you," said Bess before Nancy could get a word in.

"You know I have Ned," Nancy replied acting shocked.

"But he's off at college right now. I need someone to double date the Duncan twins with. It won't take long to set up a date." Bess whined and pleaded like a small child. Nancy could just picture her pouting.

"Bess, please! I don't have time for this, something important has come up."

"What can be more important than seeing Chris Duncan? Nancy, he almost looks just like Wally on "Leave It To Beaver." He is so gorgeous with that wavy golden-brown hair, brown puppy dog eyes, the cutest dimples, and those muscles. I just want to melt when thinking of that hunk."

"Bess, it's a family issue this time," Nancy assured her.

"Alright, what's going on? Is it something wrong? No one is died right?" Bess asked, her interest now peeked.

"No, It's just my great-aunt on my mother's side. I'm going to visit her in Eastdale. My father is concerned about her and I think it will be a fun trip for us to go on. She even lives in the old, stately, Davenport Mansion that's close to two hundred years old!"

"That does sound like fun. I would love to see what the inside of a real mansion looks like. Just think about how great it may turn out of us there. When do we leave?" asked Bess, excited.

"How about on Saturday morning at ten o'clock. We'll take my convertible, that will be more fun on a road trip."

"Alright! See you then Nancy," answered Bess.

"Thanks so much, Bess! We are going to have a great time, I can just feel it," she said before getting off the landline. Then, she picked it back up and called her other friend, George Fayne.

The phone rang three times before anyone answered, "Hello, who is this?" George's mother asked.

"Oh, It's just Nancy Drew, is your daughter at home?'

"Yes, she just came in from a jog. I'll get her for you. Give me a few minutes." the older woman replied.

After about five minutes of waiting, George answered the phone. They talked and laughed, George gladly agreed to go saying that "She was dying for an adventure."

The rest of the week went by slowly for all three girls. They couldn't wait to leave on the trip. River Heights is a nice place to live but it is very boring for its residents. That Saturday around noon, Nancy picked up George first before heading over for Bess. As Nancy pulled into the driveway next to a fine brick house in a middle-class neighborhood, they spotted Bess peeking through the sheer, white, lace curtains.

Within a minute she was racing out the door in a cute, ruffled, cream-colored sundress to greet them while pulling a large brown suitcase behind her.

"That's a lot in there Bess.! We are just saying for a few days you know, not a month. No need to bring the kitchen sink!" exclaimed George.

"What are you talking about? This is just the first suitcase there are two more inside. Besides, a woman never knows when she might run into a cute guy and be invited to a fancy party or a picnic date. Plus, I want to be on the safe side just in case Nancy's aunt only has fancy sit down dinners or if the weather changes." replied the blonde teenager.

"Well, you're on your own carrying this stuff if we have a room upstairs. I don't need to pull a muscle in my back like last time you pull a stunt like this," replied George.

"Oh, don't worry about that guys. Although the last time I visited was long ago, I seem to remember that my aunt has a lot of staff," said Nancy, as she smiled.

It ended up taking about twenty-five minutes to rearrange the trunk to get all the stuff to fit. It was worth it all the trouble for Nancy to have all three best- friends go on a trip together. And it didn't take long once they got on the road, to reach East Dale. It's just about a four-hour drive from River Heights, following many winding back roads.

Bonus Files:

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