Chapter Twenty

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Nancy felt afraid when the menacing wolves started to howl menacing, however, she just could not shake the feeling that something was off about this situation. In response, the teen slid to the floorboard, as the animals scratched at the car trying their best to get in. Nancy wondered if these wolves were really wild or just trained to cause a diversion or just frighten people out of this area. But why would anyone go to such trouble? Just then, she thought of Ned. He had been gone for almost an hour. Nancy prayed for his safety before daring to peek out the window.

As Nancy looked out she saw more wolves approaching. Knowing that they needed help, Nancy sat up and cracked up the car hoping to escape the wild beasts. As the car started the engine noise cause the animal to back a few feet that were just enough for Nancy to speed up the dirt road.

At the very last minute, one of the dogs jumped right in front of the car! Nancy took a sharp turn and just missed hitting it by mere inches! The dogs chased her for ten minutes before they finally gave up. "Now what am I going to do? How in the world can I help now?" she questioned.

She decided to drive back into town to get help. On the way there a person came into view walking towards her on the side of the road. Slowing to get a better look, Nancy could not believe her eyes it was Ned! "Ned where were you? I was worried sick!" she exclaimed visibly upset. "I will explain just let me catch my breath first." said the young man as he got in the car and sunk into the seat. He was clearly exhausted.

"I am just so happy you are alright?" Nancy exclaimed.

"Glad to hear you care about me so much sweetie," he said grinning, cutely.

"I chased the man for about a mile through the heart of the woods. He was slow but had a sizable head start. He seems to know the area really well."

"He has to be a local to know it so well," she said thoughtfully.

"After trailing the man for a while, he started down a path that led out of the woods. There was a car waiting for him, with a red-haired woman inside. Before I could get close enough to grab him he jumped inside and they took off towards town."

"Did you get a good look at the woman?"

"Not really, it happened so fast. I did notice that she looked young but that is all I can remember. But I did find this red fake fingernail on the ground near where to car was parked." Ned said while digging through his pocket to pull out the clue.

"Ned this looks just like the one I found in my room the night the letters were stolen! This proves that this is all connected!" the girl said excitedly, as she hugged her sweet boyfriend.

"But why did I find you walking along the side of the road?" asked Nancy.

"I'm not from the area and have no idea how to navigate these woods alone. So, I just ended up following the road to find you." Ned said while seat- belting himself. "Now why don't we go get some soft serve ice cream really quick and then head over to the police headquarters to report this?" Ned asked, just before his tummy, rumbled loudly.

"But Ned, I can handle this without the police getting involved. The dogs were not very hard to deal with." Nancy said as they began to drive down the road again.

"Not this time Nancy! Wait what dogs?" Ned wondered.

"Well, you see..."

"Come on Nancy, spill It." he said looking very determined.

Bonus Files:

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