Chapter 1: The kid on the roof

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A/N: Hello fellow readers and authors, here's the very first chapter of this fanfic and I hope you like it!!!.
Warnings: Violence and Bad Grammars
Shota Aizawa also known as Eraserhead is doing his daily night patrol when felt someone or something following him but when he turned around he found no one, he shrugged and went back doing his night patrol(but that doesn't mean he let his guard down). This has been going on for almost a half year now, every time his out doing patrol or when his teaching he always felt someone is following him and whenever he turned around or even use his quirk he finds no one. His husband, Hizashi even (jokingly) theorized that a ghost might be following him but that's illogical, ghost doesn't exist. Right?.

Perching in a random rooftop, he looked at the empty streets and alley ways below for any kind of trouble. Seeing nothing special, Aizawa was about to leave when he heard a panic shout from a nearby alley way. Using his scarf, he swing to a building next to the alley way, arriving to his destination he saw a woman being cornered by a man with a knife in his hand.

"Give me your money lady!" The man shouted pointing his knife towards the woman who has tears welling up in her eyes.

"B-but I-I need this money to help m-my sick mother" the woman begged, her voice cracking holding her bag tightly to her chest.

The man screamed in anger ready to stab the woman. Seeing enough, Aizawa shot his scarf to the man armed hand stopping him from stabbing the woman before he dived down and drop a kick to the man gut sending him flying in the alley way wall knocking him out. Seeing the man knocked out from the impact, Aizawa pulled out his phone sending a quick message to a police station nearby.

"W-who are you?" The woman asked still shaken from the incident, eyes puffy from crying . Aizawa turned around confused at the woman's question, but soon realized that there's only a few people know him since his a underground hero and hate attention specially the media (those fucking vultures).

"I'm just a pro patrolling nearby so don't worry and beside the police will be here" True to his words both of them heard police cars stopping at the entrance of the alley way and hurried footsteps rushed towards them.

"Eraserhead we have received your message, what's the problem?" An officer asked.

"This man tried to robbed this woman" Aizawa briefly explained pointing at the knock out man.

The officer nod and wave his right hand, signaling the other officers to take the man. Before walking towards the woman.

"Ma'am if you don't mind will you come with us to the police station for interrogation?" The police officer asked earning a small nod from the woman. He helped the woman get inside a police car and turned around towards Aizawa after closing the car door.

"Are you coming with us, Eraserhead?" The officer ask.

"No thanks" He denied the claim.

"Ok then, Goodnigth and have a safe journey home" the officer said going inside his police car and driving off. Aizawa watched the police cars fade in the distance before getting ready to leave the alley way, when he saw something green above him, looking up he saw a kid no older than 13 with untamed curly green hair wearing a gakuran seating in the rooftop edge, his legs swinging back and forth while clutching a bloodied, ruined and slightly burned notebook to his chest, looking at him with dead and cold glowing emerald eyes, but when he blinked the kid's gone.

'Was that a kid?' Aizawa thought confused 'Maybe I'm just hallucinating' He reasoned as he shook his head, using his scarf back his house. Unknown to him a young ghost boy with green hair and emerald eyes was floating behind him.
A/N: Yes, just finish the first and I'm feeling good. Since the chapter is out I might be updating sooner or later. And maybe next time I might write a longer chapter. But that's a problem for future me. That's all, thank you again for reading my very first chapter and see you guys in the next update.

-Platinum out

733 words count

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