Chapter 12: Snake Thorns

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A/N: Hello everyone welcome back to my fanfiction. And Happy Pride Month to you all. Sorry if I haven't been able to update due to being super busy but I was able clear to my up my schedule and write a chapter. So, here is the new chapter. Enjoy!
-Bad grammars, talk about kidnapping and slight murder.

It has been a few days since that day Shinsou cheered Izuku up, and Izuku went back vigilante work on the night of that same day.

But it seems that Izuku kept bumping into Eraserhead every single time he saves a person during his vigilante work, and at the same time he would run away if Eraserhead come closer to him.

Even though he had been following the man for almost a 2 years now, he still haven't forgotten about what happened that night.

And right now Izuku is getting ready to do his vigilante work. He is on the apartment balcony, and was about the leave. When Aaron spoke behind him.

"You think you wouldn't bump into him tonight?" Aaron asked while raising an eyebrow at him.

Izuku turned around and quickly signed 'Yes'.

"If you think so. But if you do come back here crying again. I'm going to drag Shinsou here even it's the middle of the night" Aaron said crossing his arms looking seriously at Izuku. Making Izuku release sound that sounded like giggles.

'I will. Goodbye, Aaron' Izuku signed before floating down the balcony and towards the city.

"Goodbye to you too and Don't get into too much trouble!!" Aaron shouted.
*At The Yamazawa's house*

Aizawa is getting for his nightly patrol. He is currently putting on his boots when he heard his husband.

"Hey Sho, do you think you would bump into the little listener tonight?" Hizashi asked while petting Coffee on his arms.

"Yes, I'm certain" Aizawa answered, putting on his other boot.

" If you think so. Just don't scare the little listener tonight"

" I'm not scaring them, they kept running away from me" Aizawa defended himself.

" I know but still don't scare them. Ok, Mr. Grumpy Cat" Hizashi said.

" Of course, Mr. Cockatoo" Aizawa said standing up.

Hizashi headed towards him and gave him a kiss in the lips and Aizawa passionately gave it back. Coffee didn't even mind getting squished by the two men.

" I love you, Sho" Hizashi said breaking the kiss.

"I love you too" Aizawa said before going to the door. "See you in the morning".

"See you and Good luck!!" Hizashi yelled, thankfully not quirk used.

Aizawa gave Hizashi and Coffee a wave before closing the door and use his capture weapon to swing towards a nearby light post to a nearby rooftop.
*Back with Izuku*

Izuku already stopped a lot of crimes while going around, like mugging and robbery but nothing too serious. And is now currently floating around the city looking for more trouble. He rounded up a lot of alley ways and corners, until he got a particular alley way and what see in it made him freeze on his tracks.

In the alley way, is a 17 years old girl with pale purple slightly wavy hair and blue eyes struggling to break free from a very muscular man who is wearing a snake mask on his face and has a handkerchief over her mouth and nose and trying to drag her towards the open back doors of a black van with two other man inside wearing similar mask.

Izuku was about to jump in, but a third person came out the front seat of the van and it was woman, and this woman made Izuku body colder than it was never before.

This woman is not just any woman. The lady is the infamous villainess Hedi Toge aka 'Snake Thorns'. She is known for kidnapping and murdering childrens of famous people in Japan. She had been in different news panels and wanted posters since Izuku was about ten years old. But police and pro heroes hasn't been able to catch her.

Her quirk let's her create very thorny vines that could shred clothing and skin and release poison that could cause a lot of bleeding and torturous pain.

She has very long green hair that have leaves attached to it like some sort of vines, her eyes is bright yellow, her skin is fair and she wore a long sleeveless light green dress with a gun holster belt in it and red high heels.

But there is something off about her that Izuku couldn't put a finger on.

Izuku began to formulate a plan inside his head to save the girl. Maybe he could use 'Spirit Flow' to make them all pass out just like what he did when he saved Eraserhead during that gangster fight. But that moved requires a lot of energy and Izuku only have a few energy left after he fought many villains, he could get some energy from electric wires and light post nearby but that would take a lot of time.

It looks like, he would need to knock them out using force. They wouldn't be able to attack since his a ghost and ghost are invisible and phase through.


Izuku started floating down towards the man holding the girl, he then tried to knock him out.

But before he could, he let a surprised yelp when felt something very thorny grab his feet and he looked down in panic seeing thorny vines wrapped around both of his feet. He tried to remove them but the vines quickly wrap his entire body. He tried to move but he couldn't, he then began to panic even more when he felt the familiar sensation of pain, that he never though he could feel again after he died.

"Well... Well... Well... What do we have here?" The villainess said with an evil smirk.

Izuku looked at her in shocked, panic and at the same time confused. She could see him and was able to hurt him. But how?

"You look quite shock little ghost or should I say the very famous vigilante Phantom" She said putting a finger under Izuku's chin.

Izuku turned his head away from her. Began to wriggle free again but the vines only tightened up, making him bit his lip in pain.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" She warned him while chuckling evilly.

"Ummm... What should I do to you?" She said putting a finger on her chin thinking. After a few seconds she snaps her fingers.

"I know I would just unalived you again using my vines" She said as she began to laugh like a manic.

She then made a squeezing gesture with her hands that made the vines tighten around him making him grit his teeth and close his eyes in pain. Seeing Izuku in pain the villainess began to laugh louder.

A shadowy figure then came down from the rooftop like Batman himself. And landed in the ground making the villainess stop of what she is doing. Making Izuku sigh in relief as the r
tightening of the vines lessen.

"I knew I would catch up to you" The new person spoke.

Izuku knew that voice, he opened his eyes and looked at the new person.


Is that-
A/N: Thank you all for reading this chapter, see you all in the next update.

1245 word count

-Platinum out

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