Chapter 3: Gangster Fight Aftermath

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A/N: Good morning/evening, everyone. I hope I didn't keep you guys waiting for the third chapter. But before we start, I wanted to inform you guys that Izuku met All Migth and died at the age of 12. I'm very sorry if I completely forgot to put this in the Hello and Information chapter 😐. That's all, and enjoy reading😊.
Warning: Just some bad grammar and talking about injuries.

Shota woke up to a white ceiling and a feeling of hand clutching his right one. He winced when he turned his head to the right but smiled softly when he saw his husband resting his head on his side while holding his right hand. Lifting his left hand, he slowly ruffled his husband hair. Hizashi began to stir, he lift his head up and let go of his husband hand to his rub eyes, letting out a big yawn.

"Good morning, Shou" Hizashi loudly yawned before freezing, quickly turning around(Shota got worried that he got a whip splash) facing Shota with wide eyes.

"Mornin-"Shota got cut off when his husband decided to lunge himself at him and hugged him like his gonna disappeared. Hizashi began to sob, tears slowly falling from his eyes wetting Aizawa hospital gown. Lifting his left hand, Shota began to rub his husband back.

"When Tsukauchi called me that you were brought to a hospital, after fighting so many gangsters. I got really worried and scared. " Hizashi sob with every word, he looked up at his husband and Aizawa felt a pang of guilt hit his heart when he saw his husband teary eyes. "Just don't scare me like that, okay. My poor heart couldn't bear it when I lost you too. So, please, " His husband beg.

"I promise," Shota promised, hugging his husband.

"Thanks, Sho." Hizashi hugged him tighter, blocking his air supply, Hizashi immediately let go of him when he started coughing. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hug you too tight. "

"Its*cough*alright" He coughed.

"Here, have some water." Hizashi took a glass of water from the side table next to the bed, giving it to Shota.

"Thanks," Shota thanked him, finishing the glass of water in a few gulps. He was relieved that his coughing stop, his husband looked at him, relieved too.

"Are you feeling alright?" His husband asked, voice filled with worry, putting the now empty glass of water back to the table.

"Yeah, I'm mostly alright. It's just that some parts of my body, especially my back, hurt a little bit, but my head hurts like I got hit by a damm truck. "

"The doctor told me about that. He said you got a very nasty concussion and broke some of your bones."

"Oh. So...where am I?" He spoke, looking around the hospital room.

"You're at XXXX-XXX-XXXX hospital. This is the nearest hospital from the fight,"

"You said that Tsukauchi called you. Does that mean that his here too?"

"Yep. His doing some interrogation right now with the other people involved in the fight. He said he'll come here when his done with the interrogation. Which reminds me to call him that you're awake, and I should also call a doctor to check up on you. " His husband stood up, heading towards the door."Don't try to stand. Ok, Sho, " Hizashi spoke, opening the door.

Shota snorted, "Do I look like a person who got the energy to stand up?" He asked, gesturing at himself. His husband just rolled his eyes at him.

"Just don't hurt yourself and it might be a good idea to lay back down if your head still hurts" He complied and laid down, his husband looked at him with gently eyes before closing the door behind him with a soft click.

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