Chapter 4: Graves And A New Vigilante

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A/N: I'm very excited when I wrote this chapter, because we have a sneak pick on the details about how Izuku died, how Bakugo is doing after Izuku's death, who's the new vigilante and a special OC. So, buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Warning:If any of this following triggers you, please do not read. I repeat, please do not read for your own safety
-Cursing, suicide and bad grammar
~A week after the gangster fight~

It was a very beautiful normal morning for many people
The sun is shining
The birds are singing
The children playing in the park with their parents and friend
People are either going to work or going out with friends to the mall

But it was not only just a normal morning for one Katsuki Bakugo. For Bakugo, this is a very special morning because he could visit two special people in the cemetery.

Inside the cemetery is a hill with a sakura tree on top, and there stood two gravestones. He always visited these two graves after school and whenever he didn't have anything to do because it always reminded him why he needed to be the best hero and why he needed to change his ways.

Upon arriving on top of the hill, Bakugo took out some beautiful white lilies and a neatly wrap bento box from the bag he brought and put it on the biggest


He frowned when he saw the second grave. The grave was covered with many graffiti and papers, full hurtful words written on it that you can not even see what really written on the gravestone.

He grumbled out a 'I'm going to kill those motherfuckers when I caught them'.

He took out some cleaning materials in his bag and started cleaning the grave. Once his done the grave was all clean and all the graffiti and papers were all gone. And now you could properly see what's really written on it.

                            IZUKU MIDORIYA
Bakugi smiled at his work, he started putting all the cleaning supplies back to his bag, then taking out some sunflowers, another bento box and some incense placing on the grave before seating down in the soft grass of the hill.

"Hello there Auntie, Izuku" He spoke softly but you could hear hint of sadness and guilt in his voice. "The old hag made you guys your favorites. She said, she's sorry because she couldn't come today because she and the old man have a lot things to do. Which I would say is bullshit" He huffed in annoyance.

"I've doing good a lot lately. The anger management had been helping me out and so does the therapy" His old man and old hag had decided to put him on anger management and therapy after Izuku died and he didn't wanna say it out loud but he agreed. He regretted all the bullshit he put Izuku to, he regretted everything. He regretted telling him to jump off the roof of the building. He still remember how Izuku died because he was there when he die, it was so vivid that it felt like it happened yesterday and it still gave him nightmares.
A twelve years old Katsuki Bakugo could be seen walking home after getting attacked by the sludge villain, he was grumbling under breath saying 'I don't need help especially from a weak Deku like him'. While he was walking he wondered why his old hag still haven't  called him, since the incident was lived on television. He quickly search his pockets and his bag for his phone but couldn't find it.

Damm it. He left his phone at school. Groaning, he quickly turned towards the direction of his school and started running. Upon arriving at the entrance of Aldera Jurior High, he put his hand on his knees to catch his breath. The moment he raised his head he regretted it, because on top of the school roof is a boy with green hair. Oh, how Bakugo really wanted the thought that his head just made an illusion of his old childhood friend on top of the roof but he knows that it's far from truth.

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