Chapter 2: Gangster Fight

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A/N: Sorry everyone for not updating for almost 2 months now. My phone decided to betray me and it took me a lot of time rewriting and remembering every notes I have for this chapter on my new phone and then school started. But I was able to get through it all and now here we are. I hope you like the new chapter 😊.
Warning: If any of this following trigger you, please do not read. I repeat, please do not read for your own safety(I should also have added this in the first chapter 😐)
-Violence, Cursing, and bad grammars.
Aizawa Shota could be seen crouching on top of a rambom rooftop in Musutafu with a very obvious dark eye bags under his eyes(he look more like a panda now rather than a grumpy cat), he couldn't sleep well for almost two days now and it's driving him crazy. Don't get him wrong he had many sleepless nights, like when his on a special mission, grading papers all nigth long or when he has some flashback(hero work tends to give him that). But the reason he couldn't sleep for almost two days now is not any of those reasons. Its the mysterious kid he saw that night, Aizawa doesn't know why the kid has been plaguing his mind lately, maybe because he don't know the kid? Or the kid is somewhat associated with the strange feeling?(That he hasn't been feeling for about two days now, and felt strange somehow, he doesn't completely know why it felt strange not having the feeling someone following him).

Aizawa sighed, there's no time to think about that right now, his on patrol and he couldn't let himself be drown by his thoughts when there's people needing help.

Using his capture weapon, Aizawa leaped from one rooftop to another until he came into a stop when he heard some ruckus coming from a nearby street where less people lived due to it being a hotspot for different crimes. Aizawa quickly used his scarf to swing towards the ruckus and saw many gangsters fighting each other.

He quickly took out his phone and texted Tsukauchi for back up. He looked down again and saw that the fight was going pretty bad, many gangster were already to severely injured but are still up and fighting, maybe he could fight a few gangsters and even knock them out to give time for back up to come and so none of them could kill someone. He quickly put on his goggles and dove down, some of the gangster saw him and started attacking, he quickly dodge and knock them out but some of the other were quick to get back to their feet.

Few minutes passed, the fight was getting hard for Eraserhead since almost half of the gangsters was fighting him, some of them were knocked out along the street. He was already geeting exhausted due to not having proper sleep for two days and fighting this guys, his dodging was getting sloppy because of how many gangsters was charging and attacking him.

He didn't even notice that one of the gangster have sneaked behind his back until he suddenly felt the strange feeling, he was confused why it felt like it was warning him about something, he got his answer when he turned around getting super powered punched in stomach. Shit. Aizawa cursed under his breath, he came crushing to a nearby wall. Black spots danced around his vision, he could already feel hot liquid trickling down his head, the last thing he saw before passing out was a boy with green hair and eyes looking at him with worry right beside him.

And then everything went black.

Fariya Musino was terrified at first and then he was confused next. He was supposed to be going to celebrate his college graduation with his friends. So, he and his friends decided to celebrate in a famous bar in the city, but they need to pass through one of the baddest part of town. When they arrived at the area, they were caught in a fight of gangsters. Fariya found himself injured and couldn't moved, he looked towards his friends and saw them either knocked out or injured.

Fariya saw that the fight was getting pretty bad, he got scared(because if the fight got bad, he and his friends might get themselves into a more dangerous situation). Until he saw a man wearing yellow goggles and a grey looking scarf and started fighting the gangsters, Fariya sighed in relief as a hero or vigilante had come to stop the fight and saved him and his friends. After few minutes of watching the hero/vigilante fight, Fariya saw that the man was getting attacked and charged by almost half of the gangsters and is clearly getting exhausted.

He didn't even saw that one of the gangster had been able to sneak behind the man back before the man turned around and was punched in the stomach hitting a nearby wall. He got confused when he suddenly saw a boy with green hair not older than thirteen or fourteen appeared next to the knocked out hero/vigilante and then all the lights in the street started to flicker, until every light had turned off, a huge waved of green ligth then suddenly envelope the entire street, causing Fariya to close his eyes. When the light disappeared, he slowly his opened his eyes and saw that the lights were back, he quickly looked around, his eyes widened when he saw all saw the gangsters was on the ground passed out and the green haired boy that caused it was gone.

Was it all just an illusion, but that couldn't be. Fariya's quirk make him see through any kind of illusion. Heck, he could even see people with invisibility quirk. If that boy even has an invisibility quirk then he could have saw him. It doesn't make sense, he was snapped out from his thoughts and sighed of relief when he heard loud blaring sirens that alerted him that the police were here. He was taken along with his friends to a nearby hospital, where he got his injuries fix up and got questioned by a detective named Tsukauchi Naomasa, he also learned that the man that saved them was an Underground Pro hero.

"Can you send me and my friends thanks to the pro hero and his kid" Fariya said.

'His Kid?' Tsukauchi almost laugh at the thought, imagining Eraserhead chasing after a naked toddler around the house. But its cute to imagine both Aizawa and Hizashi having children. "Of course, I'll make sure your thanks reach him. But now I need to check on your friends" He smiled, standing up heading towards the door and opening it.

"Thank you very much, Detective Tsukauchi and goodnight" Fariya thanked the detective with a soft smile plastered on his face.

"Goodnight to you too, Mr. Fariya" Tsukauchi said.

Fariya laid down at his hospital bed when the door closed behind the detective and recalled what happened earlier and couldn't get his head off from the boy who suddenly appeared and saved the day. He wasn't sure if the boy was the pro hero kid or not. But one thing for sure, he was grateful he and his friend were safe, all thanks to the strange kid and the pro hero.

A/N: Sorry again for not updating for almost two months now, and there's no promises that I'm going to post early, due to school and other things. That's for now I hope you enjoy reading the second chapter and goodbye 🤗.
-If some of you guys have already read this and asking why I updated this again, I might some few things to add in this chapter.

-Platinum out

1320 words count

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