Chapter 4: Helping an Old Man

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Takeshi and Suneo proceed to beat Nobita up, this time is even worse that they hit him in the spot where he got injured by them before. After that, they were done beating him up, leaving Nobita more heavily injured than before.

Takeshi Gouda: That's what you get for not telling the truth! Suneo, let's leave him and go do something else.

Suneo Honekawa: A'ight!

Takeshi and Suneo then left the Open Lot, leaving injured Nobita behind. Nobita besides, trying to stand up from his beatings, can't do it as his injured got much worse than before.

Nobita Nobi (In Mind): *Grunt* Heartless Sadistic Bastards!!!

Suddenly, blood starts to come out of his nose, shocking Nobita as his face turns deep blue.

Nobita Nobi (In Mind): What the heck is this? Is this blood?!!! Coming out of my nose?!!! *Grunt* It's coz of Gian and Suneo hit me so hard that blood comes out of my nose. They even hit the part of my injuries that I got before. I won't even forgive them for this! Anyway, I've to get to my house to get treated but I can't even stand up though.

Nobita attempt to stand up, though he fails many times.

Nobita Nobi (In Mind): Come on I got this!!! I can't give up. as he attempts to stand up again and successfully did it

Nobita Nobi (In Mind): Yes!!! Finally. Shimatta, I'm feeling so much pain right now, I better get to my house quick!

Nobita starts to walk back to his home, though he still feels the pain inside of him after getting beat up. Just 500 meters away from his house, Nobita sees an old man who's having a problem carrying an amount of stuff inside the bag.

Nobita Nobi (In Mind): Oh he's having a problem delivering the bag, should I go help him or go back home to treat my injuries? I think I should back home to treat my injuries.  Wait no, he's an old man, I can't let the old man carry this large amount of stuff like this. I'm going to help him, despite my injuries but helping is more important than my injuries!!!

Nobita Nobi then walks to the old man who's carrying the bag.

Nobita Nobi: Konnichiwa!

Old Man: Oh... hey kid.

Nobita Nobi: You seem to have a problem carrying the stuff to somewhere else. May I help you?

Old Man: Oh thanks kid, the destination is about 1km away, are you sure if you want to do this?

Nobita Nobi: Deja Vu, Deja Vu, I got this Ojii-chan.

Old Man: A'ight thanks, kid.

Nobita then proceeds to carry the bag and go to the destination to deliver the stuff, with an old man going with him as well. Though they've been walking for about 400 meters, Nobita starts to feel the pain and collapses to the ground.

Old Man: Oh kid, are you okay?

Nobita Nobi: Yeah I'm fine, just quite a little heavy for me. Let's continue to the destination.

Old Man: A'ight.

Just as they continued to their destination, Shizuka walks across them from behind and sees Nobita carrying a bag with an old man.

Shizuka Minamoto (In Mind): Wait, is that Nobita-san? He's carrying the bag and an old man is beside him. I think he's helping the old man. Wait and he's heavily injured!!! as Shizuka's eyes turn wide. What happened to him? Anyway, I better go and watch them from behind.

Shizuka follows Nobita and an old man from behind as they're going to the destination. Minutes later, they finally reached their destination. Shizuka goes behind the large electricity pole and takes a peek at them.

Old Man: Thanks kid for helping me.

Nobita Nobi: You're welcome, Ojii-chan. I'm here to help so you won't have any problem carrying the bag to your destination.

Old Man: Ah I see, thanks for that.

Nobita Nobi: *Nods Positively*

Shizuka Minamoto (In Mind): Nobita-san is so kind and helpful. He still manages to help an old man despite the injuries he got. But where did he get those injuries? It looks way worse than I thought.

Nobita Nobi: *Breathing heavily* A'ight It's time to go back home now. 

Nobita starts to go back to his home, though, for a short time, the pain inside Nobita's body starts to rise up which makes Nobita can't continue to walk anymore. Shizuka is still behind the large pole, still looking at him going back to his home.

Nobita Nobi: *Breathing heavily* I'm so fatigued, as he goes to the nearby wall to sit down. I can't... continue... to walk..... anymore. He then fainted afterward and his eyes closed.

Shizuka from behind sees this, shocked in horror at what she just saw as her face turns deep blue.

Shizuka Minamoto: Huh? Nobita-san just... Wait don't tell me he just...

Shizuka runs towards him to check on him and sees him with his eyes closed. She wiggles Nobita's body but his eyes don't open and doesn't wake up as this shocked Shizuka even more. She tries many attempts to wake him up but he doesn't.

Shizuka Minamoto: Nobita-san! Nobita-san! Oh no, what should I do? as tears start to come out of her eyes.

To be continued...

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