Chapter 7: Friendship

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As we know where Gian & Suneo at, we immediately travel there to his house, ready to confront them about the situation. A few minutes later, we finally made it to his house. Before we're ready to talk to them, I'd to take a deep breath to relax my mind and be calm about this situation. I can't be extremely stressed about what happened that time when they beat me up this badly. So, I press the doorbell button and as expected, the doorbell is just like the rhythm from the normal mansion that we normally hear of. As I waited for someone to answer the door, I turned back by my side to look at Shizuka-chan. She seemed to look very worrisome but I didn't know why she was being like that unlike me I'm currently calm.

"Shizuka-chan, what's wrong? Why do you look like you're very worried about something?"

"Nobita-san, what if the talk doesn't go well for both of us? What if they are going to cause chaos between the talks? I don't want this to happen and I don't want you to get hurt either"

Hearing about this, makes me feel vulnerable to myself. Even though she got a point of what will happen because Gian and Suneo are tough ones I've to deal with. But I'll try to make her comfortable for now.

"Don't worry Shizuka-chan, I'll try to make the talk go well for all of us. I'm sure that those two won't be able to do anything to harm me. I mean look at me, I got injured badly so there's no way they're going to try to hurt me again. Once we get a handle on the situation, we'll make peace with each other. A'igh-"

Just as I was about to finish my sentence, someone opened the door in front of us noise from the door could be heard. As I expected, It was Suneo who did it. 

"Hmm? Nobita? Shizuka-chan? What are you two doing here? And you Nobita, what's with the bandages wrapped around your body all around?

"Suneo-san!!! Be ashamed of what you have done to Nobita-san, will you? He got injured very badly so I had to treat him with multiple medications"

"Hai Hai, so? You're coming here for what exactly?"

"We're from here to have a talk with you and Gian. Where's Gian now?"

"He's in the living room. We were watching TV and now you ruined the movie experience for us. What do you think you'll do now?"

Sigh, such a painful and arrogant person as always. As expected of a spoiled rich person who doesn't even respect me a single bit at all. Wonder how he'll get a job in the future with this personality.

"First of all, let us in and we'll have a talk about something that's important to me, Okay?"

"Hmm... well okay then come in, we'll have a talk fast before me and Gian continue the movie inside"

Just as Suneo goes to the living room, I take off my shoes and put them down calmly as I prepare my mind to be nice and clear. I just have to say what I'm going to say to them.

"Ya Nobita, what are you doing here? Oh you've bandages around your body, that's so shame of you"

Of course, those sadistic traits that come from Gian are unacceptable. However, there is no point in hearing those typical words that Gian and Suneo say to me anyway. So I go to the living room, I sit down on one of Suneo's couches, quite nice and comfortable as expected from the rich family. Shizuka-chan also sits beside me, most likely gonna support me in this situation. Suneo goes to sit on the other couch.

"So Nobita, what are you coming here for? Trying to reason with us about the lies that you put on us?"

"Right, so how about you listen to me for once in a while hmm? Why do you think that I use gadgets to cheat myself on the test? You know that I won't get anything out of it right?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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