- Three -

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---- Nanon ----

You might think that if the most powerful man falls for you, you will be the luckiest person on earth.

Well, if you think so then you are wrong.

When the most powerful gangster falls for you, you are followed by his subordinates who will pretend to not know you or see you. But they will keep following you. Even when you go to public loos.

When a love-struck gangster is after you, the library you work for will have a daunting middle aged goon side eyeing you while trying to read a book which is in foreign language which he will never understand in his life.

When an obsessed gangster is after you, the bar you work for will have a scary looking dude staring at you from the corner most table.

Well, since last night, this is what is happening. After I ran off from Calahan, a guy followed me home, stayed below my apartment all night, and then in morning another guy followed me to library. Then in lunch time, I was followed to the cafeteria too. And then in the evening I have been followed to the bar.

It's my birthday, but all I am feeling is anxiety.

For so many years, I wished to have company for my b'day. But this isn't the kind of company I asked for. I don't really know the guys who followed me. But I have a fair idea because of the clothes.

The typical black shirt, black pants and black jackets. That's the attire of the Satan's squad. Only Ohm and Mek wear other colors. I know this because I have seen this gang in action for so long since I work here.

I looked at the guy who followed me to the bar taking a seat on the corner most table. I saw Cherry go and talk to him for a bit and return to her counter with terrified expressions.

Am really losing it now.

"Cherry!" I snapped exhausted. "This is your bar or rented?" I asked.

"The last time I checked it was still mine. Why do you ask?" she asked innocently.

"Why can't you throw him out then?" I said pointing to the guy with smoke surrounding him from his cigarette.

"I have no reason to. And besides, it doesn't really matter who own this place. This whole alley belongs to his master." She said with a grimace and walked back to her table.

"I need a break." I yelled towards everyone in general putting aside the dishes and gesturing my colleague to take over. I threw my apron on the stool behind and walked out of the bar.

But as soon as I reached there, the alley was not at all as I remember it to be.

The whole alley was lit up with colorful lights and lanterns which I somehow missed noticing when I walked to my bar because of the follower.

All the bars and restaurants around were having many people dancing and celebrating. I could hear mixture of music from around everywhere.

I was shocked to see such a sight in that alley. I have never seen it before. It was like some sort of a festival. Did I miss out something? I took out my phone to search the internet for some festival or celebration in Bangkok when my eyes landed on a hoarding in the corner of the street. With my name on it... And with a birthday wish...

I choked on my own saliva and stared ahead wide eyed without able to move.

And then I heard loud music playing in my bar too, which was again rare except for any occasion.

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