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chapter four

A month had passed and with the help of therapy, Yeri had gotten over her miscarriage. She had started spending more time with Jeongwoo now and Jeongwoo couldn't be happier for her.

Yeri seemed to be getting back to her old self as Jeongwoo observed and Haruto didn't approach her anymore.

Yeri had grown to not like Haruto anymore because he wasn't there when she needed him the most. Matter of fact, he'd never been there for her like Jeongwoo had.

The finals were just a month away and everyone was in the finishing stage of their thesis.

The busyness of the month had kept Yeri away from thinking about many things.

"Bro." Yedam called. "Party tonight. My house."

"I don't know bro. After what happened last time, I don't wanna..." Jeongwoo said.

"Haruto doesn't even remember! Just come. It's the last party before our senior year ends." The brown haired shorter guy said.

"Okay..." Jeongwoo agreed. One last party during college wouldn't really hurt.
"Hyung. You're coming right?" Jeongwoo asked his brother, Jihoon.

"No." Jihoon smirked.
"You're sus." Jeongwoo said.

"I have plans with my boyfriend." Jihoon said.
"Oh?" Jeongwoo asked, surprised because he didn't know that his brother had a boyfriend.

Jeongwoo saw Yedam ask Yeri too and she agreed.
"You're coming too right Jeongwoo?" the brunette asked.



Jeongwoo pulled up to the usual mansion.

He saw Yeri talking to Haruto, giggling. He felt a fire if jealousy in his heart. He walked directly towards them.
"Can I talk to Yeri for a second?" He asked.

"After I'm done with her." Haruto replied smugly.
"Yeri. I need to talk to you." Jeongwoo said.
"What's wrong with you Jeongwoo? Haruto and I are talking.

"Jeongwoo. I told you. Go." Haruto said fiercely.
"And I told you, I need to talk to her. It's urgent." Jeongwoo said, grabber the brunette's wrist and taking her outside the house.

"What is it Jeongwoo?" Yeri asked, violently shrugging off her arm from Jeongwoo's grasp.
"I don't think you should talk to him." Jeongwoo said.

"And why do you care?!" the shorter one asked, pissed.
"Because, he will hurt you and not care. That's what he does."

"Like you care anyways."

"I was there beside you when you were in the hospital. Because I was the one you called when you needed me, not him. And because I am your friend." Jeongwoo said.

"Look." She said, running her hands through her hair. "He apologized."

"For what exactly?! For getting you pregnant?! Or for not being there when you lost the baby? Or for being violent?!" Jeongwoo asked.

"It's none of your business, what we do Jeongwoo." The brunette lied. "And he was never violent."

"Tell yourself that Yeri. You know you're lying to yourself."

"Shut up Jeongwoo." Yeri said in a low voice before walking inside.

"What's wrong with her?" Yedam asked, handing Jeongwoo a glass.
"Nothing." Jeongwoo said. "She doesn't see how Haruto is."

"He's a homie but yeah...he's a bit of a fuck boy." Yedam said.

"Fuck boy is an understatement. He's a fucking bastard."
"Hey hey...calm down bro." Yedam said.

"I don't know....It's just she keeps getting herself into this... she's being so stupid." Jeongwoo said.
"And since when do you suddenly care about Yeri?"

"I don't know...just..."
"Do you like have a thing for her?" Yedam asked.
"Maybe..." Jeongwoo said, drinking all of the alcohol in a go.

He didn't realise how much the guys made him drink that night until he went to the bathroom. The entirety of the bothering seemed to sway.

Jeongwoo wrapped up his business and stumbled outside to Yeri and Haruto making out.

"Yeri?" He asked.

"Jeongwoo?!" She asked as Jeongwoo almost passed out on her.
"Let's just go." Yeri told Jeongwoo.

"Where do you think you're going with him?" Haruto asked.
"Jihoon told me to drop him home if he got too drunk." The girl lied. "I have to go."

With the help of Yedam, Yeri managed to tuck Jeongwoo in the passenger seat of his car.

"You didn't drink right?" Yedam asked.
"Just a little beer.Ill be fine Yedam." Yeri assured him before he went back inside.

Yeri leaned over to put the seat belt on Jeongwoo.
"Yeri." Jeongwoo said.

"Hmm?" Yeri asked, buckling his seatbelt.

"Leave him." Jeongwoo said before passing out.

Yeri drove throught the dark streets to her dorm. The truth is, she didn't know where Jeongwoo lived. She called her roommate, Hewon, downstairs to help her carry Jeongwoo to the dorm.

"He's heavy." Hewon complained.
"I'm sure I tore a muscle or something." Yeri grunted, pushing him into the elevator.

As the elevator went to the 20th floor Hewon asked, "You've been hanging out with Jeongwoo a lot lately. "

"Actually I haven't been." Yeri admitted. "He was at Yedam's party."

"Oh." Hewon muttered.

"Hewon..." Yeri was about to say something but the elevator doors opened.

They somehow managed to tuck Jeongwoo into Yeri's bed because Jeongwoo dramatically refused to not sleep on their couch, complaining it was too small for a tall man like him.

Yeri washed up as she went into Hewon's room to sleep beside her.
"You wanted to tell me something in the elevator?" Hewon asked.

"Hewon...Haruto kissed me tonight." Yeri told her best friend.
The cat eyes girl got up and stood on her bed. "You fucking what?!" Hewon screamed.

"Calm down Hewon! Jeongwoo's sleeping." Yeri said.
Hewon managed to calm herself down and sat right back beside her.

"Yeri. Don't. You. Realise. How. DUMB. You. Are. Being?!!!" Hewon said through gritted teeth.

"I know... I might have yelled at Jeongwoo for stopping me too."

"Oh my god Yeri...I swear to god I want to punch you right now." Hewon said.

"Is Haruto really that bad Hewon?" Yeri asked.

She knew he was bad. But she couldn't admit it to herself.


"I don't know Hewon... I ... I spent so much time making him love me back... I'm just realising how he is because of how often Jeongwoo reminds me of my self worth..." Yeri said, getting emotional.

Hewon hugged Yeri. "Jeongwoo's right you know. It's just that he enveloped you in a toxic relationship and you didn't even realise..."

"I feel so bad for being rude to Jeongwoo... " Yeri said.

"Just apologise to him properly tomorrow...Okay?" Hewon told her as Yeri hugged her back tighter.

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