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chapter 9

Yeri's breathing stopped. She couldn't remember how to breathe. She hadn't felt butterflies like this in her stomach before. Jeongwoo's soft breath was hitting her, making her breathless.

With high control, Jeongwoo managed to get off her, mumbling an apology.

Yeri got up, adjusted her hair as she put on the movie. She sat back, leaning on the couch with an awkward distance from Jeongwoo.

Jeongwoo kept stealing glances from Yeri without knowing she was doing the same.

Yeri fell asleep before even half the movie was over. Jeongwoo eventually fell asleep too.

Yeri eyes opened suddenly in the morning. "Oh shit." She whispered getting up.

Jeongwoo woke up to a commotion. "Yeri?" Jeongwoo asked, confused to see Yeri struggling to put her socks on while she balanced her stuff in another hand.

"I am...Late!" She mumbled. She took her bag and rushed out the door leaving Jeongwoo alone in her house.

Jeongwoo was confused at first but then realised she was supposed to start working at Hyunsuk's café.
He laughed at the scene of Yeri struggling to put her socks on.

He got up and looked for his car keys. "She took my car...she's unbelievable." He breathed.

He walked out of the house with his phone and decided to walk to his house. "Morning workout." He said.

"You're on time." Hyunsuk said sarcastically.
Yeri mumbled an apology , saying something about oversleeping.

"I understand..." Hyunsuk winked, smiling at her.
"What do you me—" Yeri began, realising why hyunsuk was showing her all his pearly whites.

"No no no no....Jeongwoo and I did not—"
"Ofcourse you didn't..." Hyunsuk grinned.

"Where is he then?" Jihoon asked, popping up from under the counter.
Yeri shrieked, "Where did you come from?!"

"Surprise!" Jihoon said, grinning. "Now...tell me..." Jihoon said, sitting on the table top.
"Get down." Hyunsuk smacked Jihoon's back.
"Okay." Jihoon rolled his eyes playfully.

"Anyway...tell me... Why did you show up in my brother's car... Why did you both not come yesterday... Where is my brother?" Jihoon asked.

Yeri sighed. They were not gonna believe a word of what she said, even if she was saying the truth.
"We did not come because we watched a movie..." Yeri took a deep breath. "My car is at the car wash...I forgot... I was late...I needed a car..." Yeri took another deep breath. "Your brother is at my house."

Hyunsuk and Jihoon hooted like kids and Yeri knew they weren't convinced in any way that they didn't sleep together last night.

"They Netflix and chilled Sukkie..." Jihoon teased, looking at Yeri.

"Guys...stop." Yeri buried her head in her hands.

"She's blushing!" Hyunsuk said, clutching his heart.

A customer walked in, making Hyunsuk immiadiately get into work mode.
Hyunsuk prepared the first order of the day while Jihoon showed Yeri where the aprons were.

Jihoon explained the basics of coffee. Yeri was surprised by how much Jihoon knew.
"I've liked coffee for a while now." Jihoon winked, making Hyunsuk blush red at the counter.

Hyunsuk showed Yeri how to operate some of the machines. "This is the cafe's instagram page... We post our drinks here... I want you to film what you make in a day too...make it aesthetic." Hyunsuk said.

Yeri looked to the page, fascinated by how aesthetic the coffee making videos looked. The café had a crazy amount of followers.
"Hyunsuk your café is famous!" Yeri chirped.
"I didn't know it'd turn out to be so successful when I started it..." Hyunsuk said.

"When did you start the café?" Yeri asked.
"When I was in my freshmen year of uni." Hyunsuk said proudly.

"Whoa...That means you're just a year elder than us three."

"Yeah... To be honest I thought Jeongwoo was younger than you and Jihoon because he calls Jihoon 'hyung'..."

"Jeongwoo told me that even though they're the same age, Jihoon always looked out for him and took care of him... that's why he calls him 'hyung'."

"Really?" Hyunsuk asked.
"Now back to work..." Hyunsuk said.

The first day of work was amazing. Yeri had a lot of fun mixing together drinks and filming them was another experience.

Yeri watched as Hyunsuk edited the videos after the café closed. He showed her how to edit.
"This looks cool..." Yeri muttered looking at the final cut of their iced americano video.

"Have a drink of your choice. It's a gift from me everyday after work to my only employee." Hyunsuk smiled.
"Really Hyunsuk? You're the best!" Yeri said.

"So how do we make Hazelnut latte?" She asked. Hyunsuk showed her step by step. When the latte was finally ready, Yeri took a sip. "Wow...Tastes just like the original one...I can't believe I made it!" Yeri gushed.

"I love new employees...They're always so excited!" Hyunsuk said.

"What happened to the girl who worked here before me? The one Jihoon tried to hit on?" Yeri asked out of curiosity, making Hyunsuk laugh.
"She worked here till she found her dream job." Hyunsuk said.

The door opened even though the café was closed. "Hi...Can I have my car back?" Jeongwoo asked.

Yeri rubbed the back of her neck out of embarrassment. "I was running a little late... And I toon your car because my car's at the car wash and I forgot to pick it up..."

"Oh... It's alright." Jeongwoo said.
"Is that hazelnut latte that you're holding?" Jeongwoo asked, Yeri nodded.
"Can I have some too?" He asked.

Hyunsuk scoffed. "No we're closed. But since you're my boyfriend's brother, I'll make an exception."

"Yeri? Do you wanna try making it?" Hyunsuk asked.
"Yes!" Yeri said excitedly.

She made another hazelnut latte, just the way she made it before. "Thank you!" Jeongwoo said.
"You've got to pay up..." Yeri teased.

"I forgot my wallet." Jeongwoo said conveniently.

"I was just kidding!" Yeri laughed.

"Let's close up." Hyunsuk said.

It was almost 10 pm. Hyunsuk closed the café. "I'll get going then...Great work today Yeri." He said patting her back.

Hyunsuk drive off on his motorcycle. "Cool guy...that one." Jeongwoo said, as they watched him drive off.

"Should I drop you home?" Jeongwoo asked.
"Thanks but I have to pick my car up... It's a few blocks from here...I can walk."

"It's too late....I'll drive you to the car wash." Jeongwoo said.

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