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chapter five

Yeri woke up in the middle of the night, thirsty. She walked to the kitchen, surprised to find Jeongwoo there.

"Why are you up?" She asked.
"I'm hungry." Jeongwoo said.

"Hold on..." Yeri said drinking a glass of water. "I can cook you some instant ramen..." She said.

"Thanks." Jeongwoo said burying his head into his arms.

"Are you okay?"

"My head just hurts...I think it'll be better after I eat." Jeongwoo told her.

She made ramen and put the pot in front of where Jeongwoo was sitting on the kitchen island.
"Here." She said, handing him a pair of chopsticks.

Jeongwoo slurped the noodles. And within seconds, half the pot of ramen was gone.

"Jeongwoo..." Yeri said, making Jeongwoo stop eating and look up at her.

"I'm sorry." She said. "I shouldn't have been rude."

"It's okay..." Jeongwoo said.

"Thanks for letting me know how much of a dick Haruto is. I should have known earlier..."

"That's how toxic relationships work Yeri. You don't realise how caught up you actually are. I don't blame you."

"How do you know so much about toxic relationships?" Yeri asked.

"My mom and dad." Jeongwoo muttered.

"Oh." Yeri muttered, not wanting to ask more.
Jeongwoo went back to slurping the rest of the noodles.

"You don't let that soup go to waste Jeongwoo!" the brunette said.

"Then what do I do?" Jeongwoo asked.

Yeri pulled out rice from the refrigerator and put it in the soup. Then she bought some seasoned seaweed form a shelf and crushed it and put it on top.

"Try it." She said, bubbling with excitement.

Jeongwoo took a bite if what she just gave him. He moaned out of satisfaction, his face turning red the next second.

Yeri laughed. "It's good right?"

"I can't believe I didn't try this before..." Jeongwoo said, tasting more as Yeri looked at him intently.

"What?" Jeongwoo asked, catching a glimpse of Yeri looking at him.
"Nothing... I like watching people eat the food I cook... even if it's instant food." Yeri said.

"It's amazing really." Jeongwoo said, putting the vessel into the sink.

"Thanks for this." He said.

"No problem." Yeri said.

She locked her eyes with Jeongwoo without realising.

Jeongwoo stared at her lips, how much he'd wanted to kiss them. This was the perfect chance.

Jeongwoo walked towards her and held her hand. "Yeri..." He began.
Yeri listened carefully. She didn't know what she was feeling. But one thing was sure, she felt butterflies in her stomach.

Give me a sign
Take my hand, we'll be fine

"Can I?" He asked, leaning in.
Yeri nodded as Jeongwoo pulled her even closer by her waist, ever so gently. Their lips were centimetres apart and Yeri closed her eyes.

Jeongwoo whispered, "You're so beautiful." before he enveloped her lips in his.

He kissed her slowly, feeling the softness of her lips against his.

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