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chapter fourteen

"Yeri...I need to stay at the company for a little while...Can you take my car home today?" Jeongwoo asked. He had been living with her for a week now because she didn't want him to get away from her.
She felt safe in his presence and just the assurance of him being there was enough for her.

Yeri  saw glimpses of Haruto in Jeongwoo when his temper was bad but he was careful around her to never show his anger, knowing the trauma she went through.

"Bye babe." She kissed him before she left the company building.

"Good night ma'am." An employee wished as Yeri smiled back, exiting the building.

She had a plan in mind, she was going to go home, cook a delicious meal for them and then make love with him. She even stopped in a lingerie store to get hot lacy black lingerie.

She even stopped by the florist to pick up some rose petals to make it a mood.

She pulled up in the basement parking, parking his car right beside hers and walking into the elevator humming to herself as she tried to recall where she'd kept the scented candles she'd purchased the day before.

Where was it?
Was it in the drawer under the TV?
No...I think I forgot to unpack it...It must be in the bags I got yesterday.
Or is it in the kitchen,in the drawer beside the cutlery?

As these thoughts interrupted her brain, she got out of the elevator door, punching in the code if her apartment before getting in. She threw her work bag on the couch and crashed beside it.

She smiled to herself as she found the candles, sitting on the dining table. She arranged the candles on the table under the TV in front of the bed.

She hummed as she carefully arranged the rose petals into a heart on the bed. She went into the kitchen and boiled pasta.

She was the most excited she'd been in a while.

"Babe?" Yeri called over the phone. "Where are you?"

"Hold on boobear. I'm leaving in twenty minutes. Do you want me to get us dinner?" Jeongwoo asked.

"No I just cooked." Yeri told him, popping the meat to grill in the oven.
"You cooked?" Jeongwoo asked surprised.

"Why are you surprised?" Yeri giggled over the phone.

"I am not." Jeongwoo said.
"I love you babe." Yeri said. "See you."

"I love you too." Jeongwoo told her as she hung up.

She walked into her room and put on her new lingerie pieces. She felt hot in it but she knew it'd be ripped into shreds in a matter of minutes.

"Let's enjoy this hotness while it lasts." Yeri mumbled to herself.

She clicked a picture of her and sent it to Jeongwoo, to tease him.


*attachment sent*

umm 😳😳😳

i might actually
leave early...

that's hit.
you're hot.


waiting not so
patiently for you

I'll pick up condoms
on my way boobear



you're hot.

i want you.

are you to sext
me boobear?

am I? 😉


I'll be there in less
than an hour

can't wait to see
you 😉😉😉😉

damn 😳

me either

i love you

love you too babe


Yeri ran into the kitchen as the oven timer beeped. She pulled out the meat, inhaling the mouthwatering scent.

She suddenly heard something drop in the guest room.
The lightning strike lightened the entire house as Yeri got startled by it.

Maybe it's just the lightning...
Nothing to worry about Yeri...

Thunder roared, shaking the entire house.
"Looks like it's gonna rain mercilessly..." Yeri mumbled, taking out her phone to text Jeongwoo.


be careful

it's gonna rain heavily


Another strike out lightning struck, now actually making Yeri worried for Jeongwoo. Through the huge windows, she could see the lights of the city shutting down. Good for her, their building had generators.

Yeri heard another noise in the guest bedroom, maybe she forgot to close the windows in that room.

She walked into the dark guest room, as the night lights, kept it luminous enough for her to see that the windows were closed.

Treat You Better - Park JeongwooWhere stories live. Discover now