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chapter ten

Yeri drove out of the car wash as Jeongwoo went off to his house.

Her house was barely a ten minute drive from the car wash. The rush hour was over so there wasn't any traffic on the roads. You could hardly see one or two cars pass by.

She was seven minutes away from her house when she realised that a black car had been behind her for a minute. The car was moving slowly, behind her car.

She took a slight right to change lanes so that the car could overtake instead the car made a exact slight right to be in the same lane as her.

Yeri's heartbeat began to pick up and she was getting nervous.
She took her usual left exit from the freeway and sure enough, the car was following her.

She took another left, towards the mall five minutes away from her house, the car followed.

She took a series of unexpected turns but the car kept on following her. Yeri was now sure that the car was following her.

She drove past her apartment complex on purpose. As the black vehicle followed, Yeri's first instinct was to dial Jeongwoo.

"Jeongwoo... I think a car is following me." Yeri said.

"Where are you?" I drove past my house... I'm entering Geodang street." Yeri said, trying not to break down.

"Okay Yeri. Drive straight to my house. Don't stop anywhere. And don't open the doors or windows in any case." Jeongwoo told her calmly. "I'll stay on the phone with you...okay?"

Yeri did as she was told.She made familiar turns to Jeongwoo's big mansion.
"Yup...It's still following me." Yeri said, picking up speed.

"Don't panick okay..." Jeongwoo began. "I'm outside my house."

Yeri was relieved to see that Jeongwoo had opened the gate to his house as she pulled in, the black car passing the gate.

Jeongwoo closed the gate.
"Jeongwoo!" Yeri cried, running to him and putting her arms around him.
Jeongwoo hugged her back tightly.

"You're okay right?" Jeongwoo asked, hugging her tighter.

"I was so scared..." Yeri mumbled into his chest.
"Yeri?" Jihoon asked coming out of the huge doors. "What are you doing here?"

Yeri let go of Jeongwoo and narrated the entire incident to Jihoon.
"No way." Jihoon said. "It's getting so dangerous in Seoul lately..."

Yeri nodded, her legs still shaking from the fear.

"Yeri are you okay?" Jeongwoo asked, judging from her body language.
"I am..." She said.

"Come inside." Jihoon said. Yeri walked into their house for the first time. She noticed that their house was dripping of wealth...Way too huge for only two "people to be living in. But it wasn't a surprise considering their father was one of the most famous businessmen in Korea.

"Did you eat?" Jihoon asked. Yeri shook her head no. "We're about to have dinner...Join us." Jihoon said.

"Thanks..." Yeri managed to choke out.

They had braised kimchi bossam and rice for dinner. "I cooked it." Jihoon said proudly.
Yeri forced a smile.

"Are you really okay Yeri?" Jeongwoo asked.
Yeri shook her head no. "I don't know what could've happened to me..." She said.

"It's okay...You're safe now. You have two brothers to protect you...don't worry now." Jihoon assured her.

Jeongwoo shot Jihoon a look. "Well...one brother and one..." Jeongwoo kicked Jihoon on the shin under the table. "...friend."

Yeri for sure felt safe, the nerves were wearing out slowly. She ate the dinner with a grateful mind. Atleast she wasn't kidnapped by a serial killer...

"Do you want to stay here tonight or should we...i mean... Jeongwoo drop you home?"
"I really wanna go home but...I'm so scared." Yeri said.

"Okay then it's decided. Jeongwoo will drop you...sleep over...and drop you to work tomorrow..." Jihoon said quite literally kicking them out of the house.

"What?!" Jeongwoo and Yeri shrieked at the same time.
"Bye!" Jihoon called from inside the closed doors.

"He's not going to open the door anytime tonight." Jeongwoo said from experience.

Jeongwoo asked Yeri to get into the passenger seat of her car as he offered to drive.

He opened the gate using a remote and Hyunsuk drove right in his bike. "Atleast now we know why he won't open the door..." Yeri mumbled and Jeongwoo coughed.

The black car was nowhere in sight and Jeongwoo pulled up into her apartment's basement parking.

"I'll go now." Jeongwoo said.
"I don't think you should disturb Jihoon and Hyunsuk... Besides, you've slept over many times at my house. I trust you." Yeri told him.

"I mean..." Jeongwoo muttered following her into the elevator.
"I have ice cream at home."

"I sincerely hope it's not mint chocolate..." Jeongwoo said, joining his hands.

"Bingo! It's mint chocolate!" Yeri laughed.

"What do you even like in mint chocolate?! It tastes like toothpaste!" Jeongwoo argued.
"No it doesn't! Your taste buds are dead!"

"Don't you dare blame my taste buds! You're taste buds are totally zombie like!" Jeongwoo said.

"Which room do you want to sleep in? There's the guest room or the couch..." Yeri said, punching in the code on the door of her apartment.

"Guest room good lord." Jeongwoo said.
"Are you still up for mint chocolate?" Yeri asked.
"No..." Jeongwoo mumbled.

"Lucky for you Inuave chocolate chip too." Yeri rolled her eyes.
"Did you get it for me?" Jeongwoo asked.

"Ofcourse! You practically live at my house anyway..." Yeri joked.
Jeongwoo laughed, she thought about him.

They are ice cream and talked about life. Yeri was not scared anymore. She felt comfortable that Jeongwoo was sitting right beside her and Jeongwoo couldnt ask for anything more than to spend more time with Yeri.

Yhey said goodnight and went into their rooms for the night.

Yeri scrolled through TikTok for more than an hour as sleep didn't come easily to her.

She finally pushed herself to keep her phone on the nightstand and laid there, staring at the ceiling.
'Did Jeongwoo sleep yet?' she thought.

The door opened as she sat up straight on her bed.
"I can't sleep." Jeongwoo muttered.

"Me either."

Jeongwoo came closer to her as Yeri pulled him onto the bed, kissing his soft lips.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Jeongwoo asked.
"Yes." Yeri breathed, connecting their lips again.

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