episode 3 - the agreement

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Swara who take agreement from sanskar she get shocked  behind limits it's marriage registration papers with some conditions and rules which sanskar has kept for her after her wedding with sanskar she look towatd sanskar with blank and numb expression he stay unaffected by this swara close her eyes she have to do this for this orphanages which till now was with her always when no one was with her whom she can Call  as her if for that she have to become sanskar's slave for lifetime she will be ready to become but she will not bow there where she isn't wrong she take out pen from her jumpsuit pocket and sign there blankly making sanskar shocked beyond limits
Sanskar - i hope you know that meaning of this agreement that your signing it miss swara bose think one more time (SWARa sign it and forward toward sanskar with her pen too he look toward swara who was looking down silently he take agreement paper look toward swara's sign he fist his hand and sign over it give it to his PA)  submit it at court within today i want this formality to get finished (Alex nods in yes) so did you need any invitation to move from here (swara look toward sanskar hearing him) i think you read the agreement and according to that your coming with me right now (swara nods in yes blankly )
Swara - i want some of things from my room can i take it (sanskarr who was going stop hearing sanskar he turn toward her just nods blankly swara go inside in her room tears roll down from her eyes she close the door she weep her tears she pack her important belongings then go out see sanskar near his car swara what about to go orphanages kid stop her swara look toward them in tears)
Kids - shona Didi don't go na leaving us (sanskar who was waiting for swara look toward her swara also look toward sanskar then toward kids she weep her tears and smile )
Sanskar - (in mind)  again this smile damm this girl has become emotionless till she won't react for my any step it won't give me satisfaction i have almost finished her career still she has this smile and now when i am making her life hell after making her sign this marriage registation between her and me still she is saying nothing what the hell she want to proof with this all (he go toward her hold her hand and take her from there toward car not letting her talk with anyone swara look toward sanskar who has litterly pull her away from all the kids he push her inside car and start the car)  i don't have whole day for your drama i have so many works to do more than watching this so called drama of yours Mrs soon to be Sanskarrr Maheswari so stopp this all drama of yours (he start the car and drive off stop near one temple swara look toward sanskar blankly seeing he come out from car sanskar turn and look toward Swaara who didn't come out from car she was seating inside itself silently  he looks on go toward other side of car door Open it hold swara's hand and make her out swara didn't move seeing sanskar taking her toward temple)
Swara - i won't come inside you want to go you may go there i Won't come there (sanskar turn and look toward swara hearing her) I don't trust him (sanskar leave swara's hand hearing her look toward her who was looking toward him only blankly ) i will not come means not come
Sanskar - basically you don't have any independence  to take any decision according to your wish miss Swaara bose so don't think i will let you do whatever you want i won't let you do anything according to your wish got that (sanskar take SWara inside temple swara look toward God idol one tear drop fall from her eyes some flashes come infront of her eyes remembering something she close her eyes look down sanskar who was talking with his PA look toward swara who was standing silently without saying anything he take vermilion box and holly chain from his PA go near swara who was looking down he make her wear holly chain bringing her in sense she look down see holly chain in her neck then she feel sanskar filling her hairline with vermilion she look up toward sanskar slowly) so happy now seeing your attitude breaking in this way Mrs sanskar Maheswari your one slap see what what make you cause simply if you must have said sorry then it haven't happened with your honour
Swara - when i am not wrong i won't say sorry  whatever you want to do you do i don't care about that (sanskar look toward swara hearing her he sign his PA to go from there who nods and go from there sanskar look toward SWARa with smirk )
Sanskar - wifey it's not easy how much your thinking your life is gonna be like rolar coaster from tommorrow do you think being my wife i will let you live your life peacefully your every second will be painful and hurtful that you will regret for your slap your every moment will be fearful that you will cry blood tears. So you yourself know na according to marriage contract papers you will do whatever i will say you to do no one will know your my wife no one will know what what i am doing with you well no one know you that they will able to do something against me i won't let anyone do anything you will be mine to ruin you how i Want this  1 month then you your way and i will be at my way because like you girl never can be part of my life and my family well you really deserves to be my servent this suits you alot you should have think 100 of times before signing the contract papers now you have no way to come out from this thing Mrs swara sanskar maheswari . Remember that you won't disobey or disrespect anyone at my home your one mistake and as penalty you will bear my any kind of punishment (swara didn't say anything she look down)
Swara - (in mind)  no don't say anything swara it's matter of your orphanages people because of your mistake you can't let them bear this all you won't say anything to him let him do whatever he want after 1 month you can again start everything as a fresh it's nothing in compare of what you has bear before so you can go through this you know na you can't go near anyone just bear it for 1 month and again start your life as fresh don't do anything which make you regret your not wrong then you will not bend remember this (she come in sense hearing sanskar who hold her hand and take her down he push her inside car and then drive off the car swara seat silently after half hour later they reach RKMV mansion sanskar park the car come out from car he go at swara's side who what about to come out see sanskar open door bend down at her level she move back in tears and getting scared )
Sanskar - relax wifey i am not doing anything now but surely i will do something in anger if you behave disrespectful toward my family so you keep your anger and ego with yourself don't force me to give you that punishment which will be very hard for you remember it now come out (swara come out she turn her face otherside weeping her tears sanskar take swara inside holding her hand Madhu and jivika who was in hall  making ruhaan and veer eat there baby food they look toward swasan and get up seeing them)
Madhu - sanskar what you have done what your doing with her and why did you bring her here (sanskar didn't say anything stay silent ) i am asking you something sanskar what you have done now tell me this before i call everyone back in home
Jivika - sanskar tell us what your upto just forget it and let her go don't do anything in anger (swara look down holding her tears sanskar looks on he hold swara's hand and take her upstairs in his home)  bhabhi do something if sanskar will do anything wrong and till he realize what he has done then it will be very late please call rishi bhaiiiiiiii and tell him that sanskar has bring that girl home (Madhu look toward jivika hearing her she take her mobile and dial rishabh's number and then tell him about sanskar who bring swara after 1 hour later he come back in home with karan and viren)
Rishabh - what should i do with this boy still i make him understand that don't do Something wrong in anger but he is very stubborn to listen me now what you guys want me to do
Karan - then you will let him allowed to destroyed that girl's life for simple matter common rishi bhai if someone is doing wrong then pushing that person again for doing something wrong isn't good thing why don't you understand this thing there is one limit for all the thing which is now crossed he can't bring any girl like this just to take his so called revenge
Viren - he is sanskar Maheswari he won't listen anyone karan when he decided something so what you want rishi Bhai to do leave about this all but at least you can ask him na bhai what he was going to do (rishi sign hevaily he send servant to called sanskar down after 5 minute later sanskar come down he see everyone at hall he go down in hall)
Rishabh - why did you Bring her here what's the matter sanskar what you have decided to do with her
Sanskar - it's my personal matter bhai you all stay out of it i will see what i have to do with her i don't want anyone to interfere in between this matter it's my Matter (all look toward sanskar hearing him rishabh look toward others then again look toward sanskar)
Rishbh - i am still warning you sanskar don't hurt innocent person she has done nothing with you let her just go and forget about it
Sanskar - she shouldn't have raise her hand on me it's her life biggest mistake and i am not cheap to keep her with me without any relation (all looks on hearing sanskar who was standing like it's nothing for Him whatever he is doing with Swaara )
Viren - if you won't keep her with yourself without any relationship then in which relationship you have bring her here at our home and even take her at your room sanskar
Sanskar - I HAVE MAKE HER SIGN MARRIAGE CONTRACT PAPERS OF 1 MONTH SO SHE IS HERE AS MY WIFE SHE IS IN THIS HOME AS MRS SWARA SANSKAR MAHESWARI (all look toward sanskar in utter shock hearing him he said something which is hard digest they look toward sanskar who was standing silently)
Rishabh - sanskar do you losted your mind or what haan what the hell your saying leave about saying did you leave your brain somewhere your not allowed to do this all at this home at any sense sanskar stop this all right now before i make it possible at my way stop behaving like spoil brat
Sanskar - never mind if you don't want me to do this all then no problem u will go at any other home of mine but this won't stop at any sense bhai i don't have even any problem to go leaving this home i can go right now (rishbh look toward sanskar hearing him)  it's just that whatever i am going to do at  here itself i will do at any other place this all started by that girl who dare to raise her hand on me and do you think i will let go this things just like this without doing anything it's her good luck that she is girl and if she was boy na till now her condition must be worst so i already told you and everyone stay out of this matter it's my personal matter i will do whatever i want to do with her and no one will interfere in between this it's my last warning this all created by her her and she is paying for that and she herself get agree for this hell i didn't force her i am not this much cheap and vile i give her simple two options and she choose this hell so i won't do anything with this she want to bear this torture then let her why you guys are this much sympathize for her when she don't care about this
Viren - she must have agreed because you didn't give her any simple option to choose between anything we know you sanskar and your devil side you don't give us this explanation of yours
Sanskar - i didn't said her to sign at contract papers i just said her to say me sorry and close this matter but she choose to sign the contact papers then what should i do i didn't forcefully take her sign at papers she was having option to save herself but she didn't save herself then why your blaming me bhai it's her own wish to come in my hell so i can't do anything with this no girl will agree for like this contract her attitude and ego won't be break whatever happened she can put her self respect and honour at stake but can't say sorry so what is my fault in this all she should have simply finished this matter saying sorry rather than putting her own self respect and honour at danger
Karan - surely you must have didn't left any choice for her that's why she must have signed the contract papers your impossible sanskar why your destroying her life let her go from here now leaving this stupidity
Sanskar - that i will do after 1 month not now so you all do your work ans let me do my own work just don't interfere in this matter (he go from there all looks on Madhu look toward rishabh who was hell frustrated by Sanskar's behavior he go to his room Madhu go behind him to make him calm down and understand all looks on karan shake his head in impossible he go to his room for calling Kia and telling what sanskar has done today sanskar who go to his room close door angrily swara who was standing in balcony hear door closing voice she get scared turn and see its Sanskarrr who come inside room he start throwing things in anger making swara jump in fear she even can't say him that don't do this he will get angry at her only she stand there silently looking toward sanskar who messed whole room then his eye fall on swara who was standing near balcony he go near Swaara move back seeing him coming near her)
Swara - w......wh......wha.....what your doing please don't do anything now even i haven't said you anything or behave badly with you (sanskar pin her to balcony glass wall banging it hardly) ahhh please don't
Sanskar - because of you my whole family is against me they aren't supporting me why the hell what they have seen at you that they don't want me to hurt you what the bloody hell you having in you you can't make me weak i will destroy your life in this 1 month you bloody can't make me weak dammit (he bang his hand again hardly swara jump in fear look toward sanskar feeling hell fear seeing his fury red blood shot eyes she hold her heavy breath look down fisting her hand in her dress tightly) your attitude is making me hell angry and furious you will not gonna leave your attitude right now you will leave when you won't get anything to eat for whole day remember if you Drink one drop water also i will send my PA to destroy your orphanage and then whatever happened with your orphanages people i don't bloody care you will not even have anything nor drink anything till after tommorrow morning mrs sanskar maheswari (he look toward swara who was looking down without saying anything) ANSWER ME DAMMIT IN WORDS ( swara shiver in fear hearing sanskar look toward him who was holding her by her arms harshly ) answer me and yes before i come back i want this room should be neat and clean (swaraa nods in yes)
Swara - ohh........i won't......have anything or drink (sanskar leave swara's arms and go from there closing door in jerk and locked from outside before going out he go down see virika with ruhaan and veer seating there only they look toward him what about to say something sanskar take his car keys and go From there virika look toward each other)

PRECAPE - sanskar make swara clean whole mansion without taking help of any Servent. He humiliate her infront of his guest 😢😢😡😡😢😭😢😭😢😭😐😭😐😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😘😢😭😢😭😢😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😢😢😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😢😭😢😭😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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