episode 17 - swara's uncontrollable growing feelings

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All have dinner and go to there respective rooms for sleeping getting tired swara also go back to her room without looking toward sanskar or ragini. she lay down on bed then off the lights close her eyes taking duet on herself she then get flashes of ragsan talking with each other she get frustrated and irritated she get up on lights and throw pillow toward room door sanskar who just now come back in room get welcome by pillow he shake his head in impossible look toward swara who also look toward him then look otherside
Sanskar - what has exactly happened to you Mrs sanskar maheswari just tell me that why your behaving like and now without any excuses it's too much i haven't even done anything that your pouring your anger on me in this way just explain it
Swara - huhh like you don't know you know what i don't want to talk with you Mr khadoos maheswari so it's better if you won't come near me asking this stupid question (Sanskarrr look toward swara he sign heavily close the room door go toward swara who blink her eyes several times she look otherside without looking toward sanskar but gasp when sanskar push her on bed coming above her swara look toward him gulping down her saliva)
Sanskar - tell me now why your behaving in this way with me haan what's the matter behind it tell me that and morever what i have done that make you this much angry at me
Swara - get up from me mr maheswari there is nothing whatever your thinking and why do you care you just go and sleep and let me also sleep because i am tired and i want to sleep peacefully so get up sanskar
Sanskar - till you won't tell me what has happened to you till that time i won't leave you mrs sanskar maheswari so you better don't argue with me about this all
Swara - haan like i love to do this all intially you think me as mad right i don't care leave ME sanskar i am hell sleepy why your behaving like stupid fellow i told you to leave me then leave me Mr maheswari
Sanskar - better half i won't going to leave you till you won't tell me what has exactly happened to you or what i have done that make you this much angry with me haan
Swara - nothing happened to me my mood my wish what's your problem mr maheswari and morever what your doing here you should be with your college mate na talking with her on terrace why you come to eat my brain go and talk with her
Sanskar - i must have gone baby doll but she was tired and wanted to sleep that's why i said her to take rest we can talk tommorrow also na wifey so i send her for sleeping in her room
Swara - you do care about her that she is tired here i am telling you i am tired i want to sleep still you didn't letting me sleep that's what you care for your wife mr maheswari
Sanskar - wifey yaar she has come from Canada traveling by flight that's why she was tired so i send her for sleeping but you was all day at home not doing anything that's why i am troubling you baby doll because i have whole right to trouble you after all your my wifey na so how much right i am having on you that much right i don't think so i must be having on someone eles yaar wifey why your like this (swara look toward sanskar hearing him) means such a boring person you are shona
Swara - then leave me na why your behind this boring person and morever did i ask you something to do for me you go na toward interesting person if i am this much boring for you Mr Maheswari
Sanskar - well no worries better half if your are boring also i can't do anything with that na because now i have falling in love with you madly so without having any reason i have to adjust with this fact also and morever i am one women man i don't go toward other's girls when i am having mine you unnecessarily doubt at your loyal and honest husband (swara roll her eyes hearing sanskar)
Swara - sanskar please get up na your very heavy why your troubling me like this it's already late let me sleep please na what you want
Sanskar - will you give me if i ask you something Mrs sanskar maheswari (swara look toward sanskar getting rid of sanskar she just nods ) then kiss me better half quickly
Swara - huhh no never what made you think i will listen to your this bakwas morever your mind has get damaged that's why your talking like this na don't worry tommorrow i will consult good doctor for you
Sanskar - okey leave about that tell me one thing who was there in your family except that cheap family like your mom dad and who more (Swaara look toward sanskar hearing him) what i am your husband na can't you tell me this much
Swara - no not like this but why you asked me about this suddenly that's why i am looking at you like this nothing eles sanskar
Sanskar - just like that i just thought to asked about this to you that's why i am asking you tell me now who was there in your family Mrs sanskar
Swara - hmm my mom dad and BHAI when mom dad died bhai wasn't here he was in US i lot's of times try to call him when all the things where happening with me but he never bother to take my calls so i also didn't try to contact about him after that ever when mom dad died that time also i tried to call him once but he being he never reacive my calls when he don't come back from that time i didn't consider him my Family not at mine time he not even come when mom dad died he don't care about us he never think about us he only think anout himself and his own dreams well he don't even deserves to call as Bhai so i also don't think hom as my bhai because brother is that who always protect his sister and he never fulfilled his responsibilities well i JUST HATE HIM TO THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART I WILL NEVER GONNA FORGIVE HIM NO MATTER WHAT (sanskar look toward swara hearing her he didn't say anything to her listening her) well why did you ask me about this now you tell me
Sanskar - nothing better half just to know about you some little more things so you hate your bhai that he didn't reach to save you when nikhil and his friends (swara shake her head in no ) then what about this hatred
Swara - for not coming in the time of mom dad's death when mother and father need there son for there last rites he wasn't there for them for that i hate him you know sanskar he was never like this he used to love me mom dad alot he even unble to see small scratches on me but when some lusty men's where hurting his sister very Brutual and painful way that time also he didn't even come to see me it's hurts alot what make him change in this way he once call me before that dreadful day telling that he has found bhabhi for me he love her alot with whom he was in love he was going to marry her next day so he called me there but that incident happened and when i call him he didn't receive my call (sanskar look toward swara he sign heavily)
Sanskar - may be he was in any kind of complsion that's why may be didn't call you did you try to find out what has happened with him that he behave that way when your saying that he used to love you alot
Swara - complsion can't be more than his own sister's dignity sanskar i was hurt mentally physically very wrong way and nothing can be important for any person more than his own sister who isn't this much big to handle this all or tolerated this all pain without any support beside her and you know what happened one day he call me saying I AM STAINED AND HE DON'T WANT SISTER LIKE ME WHO WILL RUIN HIS REPUTATION and after that i never bother to call him or talk with him because between us now only one thing is left that is hate he don't deserves me and i don't want him in my life again i will prepared to die rather than forgiving him (sanskar look toward swara) leave about that now get up from me sanskar please i am tired let me sleep please (sanskar nods he get up from swara who lay down on bed properly sanskar take duet and cover her properly he seat on bed leaning on headboard offing the rooms lights)
Sanskar - you don't have faith on god right shona (swara just hummed) why you don't have trust on god what he have done which make you lost your faith on God (swara turn toward sanskar see him staring ceiling she sign heavily)
Swara - i was being raped infront of him sanskar but he didn't did anything to save me see me being raped by some dirty creature of his only he didn't come that day he always let evil things win over good things hmm he is not even here this is only a lie nothing eles he give me so many reasons to hate him he is just one decorated stone nothing eles that day something very wrong is happening with me but did he make any attempt to do something no he silently watch everything this is reason i lost my faith on him (sanskar sign hevaily hearing swara look toward her see her already staring me) well you wanted to know each and everything about me sanskar when you will tell me each and everything about you didn't i make that much faith in your heart for me to tell about you the real you (sanskar side swara's hairs behind her ears smile faintly)
Sanskar - I HAVE TRUST ON YOU MORE THAN MY OWN LIFE BECAUSE YOUR TOO INNOCENT TO HURT ME KNOWING MY TRUTH ALSO I MEAN TO SAY KNOWING ABOUT REAL ME ALSO (swara looks on hearing sanskar) but not now because i myself don't know how to tell you about my past that is somewhat revolving around your past too you know it's not like that i feel scared if i tell you then you won't able take that but i will make sure that it won't hurt you for sure (swara look toward sanskar hearing him she what about to say something) now let's sleep it's already late right (swara sign hevaily nods in yes she close her eyes sanskar take pillow what about to go for sleeping in couch
Swara - you can sleep here beside me on bed sanskar this is very big and enough for two people to sleep and more than that i trust you (sanskar look toward swara hearing her didn't say anything lay down beside her swara also close her eyes after sometimes later she fall in sleep sanskar turn and look toward swara feeling her asleep hugging pillow he then look upstair toward ceiling of the room he close his eyes )
Sanskar - don't know what will happened when laksh will come infront of her how she will react i am unble to understand what should i do she hate's him alot then how Will i manage when she will come to know that i already know about her BROTHER please help me God i don't what she should think i have Intially didn't tell anything about i being know about her brother Uff everything is going like rolar coaster soon when she will come face to face with laksh i hope she will at least give me one chance to make her understand about this all because situation isn't gonna be simple for sure (he look toward swara who was sleeping peacefully) sorry kitten not want to hurt you when your this much hurt already i am sorry for hiding this all from you please if possible forgive me i know i am betraying you not telling you everything i didn't meant to hide also but i am helpless sorry please try to understand my situation already my love story isn't in right way don't know when it will be successful your not even realizing anything and i don't want to force you well i will never do that you take your own time (he peck her forehead then close his eyes feeling tired after sometimes later he fall in sleep. In morning swara get up she feel hand on her belly she look down see it's Sanskar's hand she remove his hand immediately and get down from bed)
Swara - common shona be on your words yaar what the hell your doing your letting him come near you then you blame him but you yourself giving him chance to come near you now just stay away from him okey (swara get down from bed she go inside wadorobe take her cloth's and go to take bath she come out getting ready in cream Colour crop top and red colour mid thigh length skirt she did simple make up apply pinch of vermilion wear bracelet Holly chain and red colour high heels

 In morning swara get up she feel hand on her belly she look down see it's Sanskar's hand she remove his hand immediately and get down from bed)Swara - common shona be on your words yaar what the hell your doing your letting him come near you then...

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She go down seeing sanskar is still sleeping she go out from room see veer trying to pull his teddy climbing stairs she shake her head in impossible go near him take his teddy then pick up him in her arm just then jivika come behind veer searching...

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She go down seeing sanskar is still sleeping she go out from room see veer trying to pull his teddy climbing stairs she shake her head in impossible go near him take his teddy then pick up him in her arm just then jivika come behind veer searching him veer immediately hide his face in swara's crook of neck in her hairs swara look toward jivika
Jivika - veer at least first let me give you bath na baby then you play with your chachi at least for now come let's go to take bath please come near Mumma veer don't trouble her yaar (veer move more his face in swara's hairs shaking his head in no ) what can i do with you veer why your start doing dramas nowdays just like you're brother you also becoming naughty he already didn't leave swara now you also start come na baby (veer didn't look toward jivika) huh fine don't come i will also not say anything to you when your done with playing then come toward me i will tell you how to do like this naughtiness
Swara - why your getting hyper bhabhi early morning he will also do what your saying opposite to that only if you will get this much hyper for such a small things he must be not feeling to take bath
Jivika - he never feel to take bath shona you really don't know about him in time of getting ready or taking bath he always do like this naughtiness don't know when he will stop troubling me
Swaara - should i try may be he will take bath from my hand otherwise i won't if you WA..... (cutted by jivika who stop her saying further)
Jivika - i really don't have any problem but please shone be careful he is very naughty when it's comes to give him bath you already come taking bath he just play with water whenever i give him bath that's why i give him first bath then i myself take but i really don't know when he come out from room (swara nods in yes she take him in virika room's bathroom keep him in bathtub jivika keep veer's cloth on bed after telling swara she go to take bath in other room swara give bath to veer who look toward swara seating calmly in his small baby bathtub swara look toward veer and smile seeing him all silent)
Swara - Uff your Mumma is unnecessarily doing your complaints making me also scared your very calm and sweet baby so now when your bath is done what should we do yes Mumma tell to apply lotion on your whole body come let's go today your chachi will make you ready veer baby (she take veer in room make him seat on bed seat infront of him take lotion bottle and apply it on his body then take cloth's make him get ready jivika who come Back in room see veer is silently letting swara make him ready she looks on getting amused veer get ready from his chachi's hand swara smile peck his forehead) done our cute veer is ready and he is looking very very cute (kiss on his cheek veer giggle cutely jivika shake his head in impossible seeing her dramebaaz son who must have at least take more than 2 hours work if she was the one in place of swara because it's everyday work of his to trouble her she go near swara and veer who also look toward her swara take veer in his arms turn toward jivika give veer to her but he Didn't go toward jivika who was knowing this was going to happened that's why she didn't even take him swara looks on )

PRECAPE - swara's jealousy grown seeing ragsan's closeness. Laksh's entery Many more suspense gonna be revealed with his coming back in swara's life 😁😁😁🤗😁🤗😁🤗😁🤗😁🤗😁🤗🤗😁🤗😁🤗😁🤗🤗🤗🤐😳🤐😳🤐😳🤐😳😳😳😳🤐😁🤐😁🤐😁🤐😁🤐😁🤐🤐🤐🤐

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